Ch.18 . 1

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Chris Brown P.O.V

"Shut yo ass up . I ain't getting you shit " I said into the phone .

Jaliyah been trying to convince me to get her a teddy bear for valentines day but I ain't with it . She got a nigga who can buy her one . I ain't shit but the baby daddy .

"Whyyy Chris " she pouted into the camera . I shook my head at her immaturity . She ain't gone leave me alone until I agree which I'm not .

"You ain't my concern no mo ". I got off the couch going outside for a smoke .

"Fuck you . I should be yo concern ! I gave you a child " . Yeah she gave me the gift of my daughter but that don't mean shit .

"Aight Jaliyah " . I pulled the blunt out my pants pocket along with my lighter . I lit the blunt instantly inhaling the smoke .

"So if you ain't gone get me nun then at least get jai some " . I never thought about getting my kids some for valentines day which is selfish of me .

"You right " I said putting out the blunt . I sat in a chair on the patio before sighing .

"I'll talk to you later . I needa order some stuff " . I hung before she could reply . Valentines Day is Friday !

"This shit betta come before valentines day " I mumbled as I placed the order .


Jaidah P.O.V

"I'm so small " I said to my friend asia as I observed the pic I posted earlier .

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@missjaidahbrown : short stuff 💛

"At least you know " . I mugged her as I walked into last period . Last period was so boring . Asia kept me entertained so I never complained .

I took my seat as I placed my binder on the desk . I pulled my textbook out placing it on my desk . It made a loud thud which caught the teachers attention .

"Ms.Brown , please don't slam the books please " . I smacked my lips as I rolled my eyes . I ain't even slam shit .... YET !

"I ain't even slam it on the desk ! The book heavy as hell which caused it to slam " I said with attitude .

"Excuse me " she said glaring at me . I shrugged my shoulders as I sunk down into my seat .

"Go to the office ms.brown " . I rolled my eyes as I gathered my things . I walked out the door making sure to slam it on the way out .

"Please don't call my dad " I mumbled as I reached the office .


Jaliyah P.O.V

"Mike stop " . I slapped his hand away as he tried to touch the chocolate covered strawberries. We won't be eating these until valentines day and by we I mean mike and I .

"Bae why you gotta be so mean " he said pouting . I rolled my eyes as I covered the last strawberry in chocolate.

I placed the strawberries in the fridge before sitting on the counter grabbing my phone . I missed a call from an unknown number .

"People always calling me from random numbers " I mumbled before calling the number back .

"Hello " a lady spoke into the phone . I think they may have the wrong number .

"Who this " I asked with attitude .

"Im sorry but this is ms.spooks administrater at LA Middle . Im calling in concern of Jaidah brown . Are you the mother " she asked .

I rolled my eyes . I just hope jai ain't in trouble . I don't mind her getting into a little trouble but it's her dad who take the smallest things to heart .

"This is she " I said clearly impatient .

"Well I called to inform you that jaidah has been suspended for 4 days . She cussed at one of our teachers and she needs to be picked up " she said surely .

"I'll be there " . I hung up before she could reply . Jai always doing shit . I ain't mad at the fact she got suspended but how ima explain this shit to chris.

"I'll be back mike " I yelled walking out the door .

———————————-15 minutes later

"Get in the car " I said to jai as I unlocked the doors .

"Why you mad at me . I ain't did shit " she said with attitude . I was taken back a little by her words ... did she forget who she was talking to .

"DON'T YOU EVER CURSE AT ME LIL ASS GIRL" . I smacked her in the mouth .

She held her hand over her mouth as she cried . I know that shit ain't hurt .

"You crying over that lil ass lick but it ain't shit compared to what chris gone do " I said before driving off .


💕part 2 coming soon ..

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