When One Of You Is Mad

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Jade: Jade is always mad so when you're occasionally mad she's almost confused. Therefore she does the same things you do for her - she takes time in whatever she's doing to hold you in some way and she strokes your hair until your breathing regulates. Whenever she sees you about to swing on someone she runs to you and grabs your arms and lifts you a little so you're temporarily powerless like you do with her. After a while you stopped in the middle of her calming you down and told her you'd noticed she was doing the same things you did to her to calm down, and to avoid acknowledging she was being nice she shoved you and ran off. You weren't angry anymore at how Sinjin had messed up the sound design at your first serious directing gig; you just laughed as you watched your girlfriend stalk off grumbling about gaining positive traits.

Cat: Cat never gets seriously angry, but when she is angry she also gets equal parts upset. You're always there to run after her to her old room in the school and calm her down by talking to her calmly. On the times when she's too worked up you find and bring in Beck, and the two of you cuddle her until she stops crying and starts talking in her normal candy-type voice.

Tori: when you get angry Tori panics completely because she knows she can't handle you in the same way she does with Trina, so every time she phones it in and sends you to André - he knows what to do as your boyfriend.

André: whenever you are mad you are always taken to André because he always has the know-how to make you more chill like him. He listens carefully to you as you sit in front of him shouting and swearing with tears dripping down your face, and at the end he quietly tells you the situation and solutions from his outside perspective, then gently picks you up bridal style in his arms and holds you gently close to him until you've properly calmed down. For the rest of the day he keeps you near him and treats you tenderly within his arms, and each time he does this you smile up at him gratefully.

Robbie: honestly, same as Cat. He can't even handle his own emotions so how could he try handling yours?

Beck: Beck is the master of handling your emotions; André learned how to calm his girlfriend down from him. Whenever you're mad he immediately scoops you up and takes you to Sikowitz's empty room with you thrashing about shouting in his arms, though inside you know he's doing what's best as he knows how out of control you get when you're angry. He sits you down in his arms and lets you rant, keeping your arms in his hold to keep you from breaking anything, then asks if you want to stay away from everyone for the rest of the day. He knows you'll always say yes, and so for the rest of the day he cuddles you alone in the room and when classes come he puts both of you in the back of the rooms.

Sikowitz: whenever Sikowitz sees you rally up to throw a fit in his acting class he gets the class to do a drive-by acting exercise then takes you outside. He tells you the same thing each time, that you can't come back inside the class until you've calmed down and to go talk to the school counsellor Lane. He then gives you a coconut, hole already punched out for a straw, and guides you toward the counsellor office with a reassuring smile. Each time you thank him and are grateful that he's your teacher, and he nods like he's heard it before - as he has because you get passionate a lot - and makes sure you don't harm anyone on your way to Lane before going back inside and starting the next acting exercise. Everybody wants Sikowitz as their empathetic and friendly teacher.

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