Truth Or Dare?

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All of these are set in a day when all of you are chilling at lunch in Sikowitz's room, and one of you decide to play truth or dare with a water bottle...

Robbie: in a heartbeat Robbie dares every single one of the girls to kiss him. Every single one of you, even the guys, says that's gross and kinda pathetic, and he replies I know in a mournful voice. Poor Robbie; if only he knew that if he wanted a kiss from any of you he had to play Spin The Bottle.

Cat: Cat replies Truth when you call upon her with the bottle in an anticipating tone, but that tone slowly turns shocked and she pleads to switch to Dare as soon as you ask who she likes. Beck begins to explain delicately that that's not how Truth Or Dare works but the small girl just puts her hands over her ears and goes Lah-Lah-Lah until everyone else gives up and spins the bottle again to find the next victim. Seeing this Cat stops muttering and takes her hands away from her ears in smug satisfaction... until the bottle lands on her again and you all look up at her expectantly. There is a stunted silence as the cogs turn in Cat's head, and then she gets up from her place sitting down on the floor and flees the room to the cries of the rest of you. Does anyone else think it's odd that she runs away from everything she's confused at?

Tori: after Cat runs out everybody cries then ultimately shrugs it off, knowing she usually does stuff like this. The bottle lands on you next and you playfully answer Truth, to get hit with the teasing question of who do you like? Biting your lip you try to cover up your furtive glancing at Tori, who is watching you with a cheeky smile on her face. You and Tori have been friends since she came to this school and you can't imagine being anything other, but lately you've been finding yourself being drawn ever closer to the wavy brunette for some unknown reason. You can't say anything - it would totally ruin your friendship. So you lie to everyone and say no. Naturally because you took too long to answer they refuse that lie and clamour to know the real victim, and you scramble around your brain until you find the most random person you can think of to say: Sinjin Van Cleef. Everybody else grimaces at you and is quick to spin the bottle again, and you glance at Tori sitting on a backwards chair watching the bottle spin. Phew, she doesn't know. Let's hope she never does...

Jade: curiously, every time it's her turn to spin the bottle and ask someone Truth Or Dare she lands on Tori. And, slightly annoyingly, every time Tori says Truth Jade asks if she's ever thought about stealing her boyfriend Beck away from her, and for Dare tells her to leave. Eventually you all decide to not let Jade spin the bottle anymore so she just gets called upon, pouting in the circle as Beck shrugs and reminds her she brought it on herself.

André: you and André for months now have been engaging in a subtle flirt war, whenever people's eyes are turned batting eyelashes at each other and every so often teasing words hinting at something more. It had gotten to the point where both of you struggled to hold in your secret and your laughter whenever you were in the same room around your friends. So, when you spin the bottle and it lands on none other than André you ask mock innocently Truth Or Dare? And he smirks at you quick enough for others to blink and they'll miss it, and answers Dare. You exhale through your nose, amused, and draw out your words as you dare him to kiss you. Everyone around you gasps and laughs shocked, but André simply smiles and leans over, and you two share a hard kiss over the bottle to everybody else's astonishment. When you part Beck slaps you lightly on the shoulder and laughs - because of course, he knew all along.

Beck: the entire time Beck mediates this highly dangerous game, consistently on the edge of freaking out about the questions and dares, and when Jade gets asked why she's so angry all the time and she gets angry and starts flipping shit Beck immediately runs out and gets Lane to break the game up for fear of people's eyes getting ripped out. As everybody is shuffled out of the room firmly he turns to you and comments that he never wants to play this game again.

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