When They're Home Alone

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Cat: not only is Cat legally supposed to never be home alone, none of her family are meant to be home alone either. Everybody always has to be 'supervised,' which makes you wonder what on Earth these people have done to be metaphorically put on leashes - apart from her brother, as he actually has to wear one of those toddler leashes. Nobody tells you why, so you just assume that this is the norm for the Valentines, so you never ask. It's a mystery forever - just like the unanswered question of why Cat's mother bakes and brings a custard pie to work with her every day when she works as... a lawyer? Is that what she does? She wears a suit and carries a briefcase, she has to be, right?

Tori: reenacts scenes from movies and musicals everywhere in the house. The stairs? The balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet. The couch on the sitting room? The mountain they swordfight on in The Princess Bride. The pothole window they have in the bathroom? Something to fling open when singing a song from Les Mis... oops, there goes the window cleaner falling off his ladder.

Beck: puts on some vinyl and listens to records in his RV lying in his bed staring up at the ceiling wordlessly. It really freaks you out the first time you walk through the door to remind him about study group, and he's just focusing on one spot of grime on the ceiling with the expression of a prison inmate while the Beach Boys are playing in the background. The only way you're able to get him to come back into the present is by turning off the record and popping the lid on one of his expensive haircare products.

Jade: spreads the word that she's having a party. As soon as she knows she'll be home alone, she snaps into Host Mode and starts texting around that there's a party going on at her place. Everybody comes with a few bottles of whatever they could get from their parents and have a fun time. The next morning, though, Jade looks at the hungover partygoers and the mess of the house, and regrets it. Not for long, however, because then she gets onto the invite for the next time she's home alone.

André: plays his many instruments as loud as he can, and looks up new songs to riff by himself. Since his grandma is rarely outside - and even less rarely without him - he relishes how he can play in silence for once without shouts from his paranoid family member.

Robbie: goes round to someone's house because he doesn't like being alone. He usually goes with Rex, albeit begrudgingly if the someone he goes round to happens to be someone who doesn't like the puppet... so, everyone. He usually asks Cat if he can come round first, then Beck and André; he always asks Jade last, because she scares him and he doesn't like the thought of being alone with her.

Guys can you believe it - this is the 98th chapter! Two more and this fic will be wrapped! But don't worry - there's more stories on here I've written that you can read 😁

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