Cuddle Monster (André X Reader Oneshot)

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Dedicated to me cuz I bloody love André and I bet he would cuddle really well 💝 here's to all you André obsessives, I got you

You wriggle around on your side of the bed, making small angry noises each time you find a new position that your body immediately finds uncomfortable. You just couldn't get to sleep, no matter how hard you tried: there's a film you and the guys are shooting tomorrow and you can't help but feel it's going to be a mess; you weren't controlling each aspect in any way, apart from script writing; your anxiety is through the roof about not knowing exactly what's going to happen in your own exam.

Shifting again onto your side you make an irritated noise again and roll heavily onto your back, snorting through your nostrils in a frustrated exhale.
Next to you, André stirs and mumbles sleepily whilst rolling to face you, "Wh-what is it baby?"
Without opening his eyes he slowly reaches his arm over and rests it on your abdomen, where he knows it calms you. As predicted you sigh quietly but deeply, and you immediately reach your hands down to wrap round his arm.

You turn your head to watch him half-sleeping, thankfully distracting you momentarily from your sleeplessness.
"I'm just thinking about the filming tomorrow," you murmur with your mouth close to his face so he can hear clearly, trying subtly to downplay your feelings.
However, André always knows when you're lying and in response uses his arm on your stomach to pull himself closer to you, resulting in your face so close to his you can feel his soft and steady breath on your face. He smells like cinnamon from the late night snacks you had together earlier, the both of you in his hoodies and boxers you stole from his side of the wardrobe and laughing at the other's mouth crammed with cinnamon rolls.

Now that you two are closer you feel calmer than before, and you bring his arm up from your stomach to your cheek so he can rest his hand on it while you nuzzle into his smooth skin. After doing that André smiles dreamily in his half-sleep and tangles his legs with yours until you feel his skin against yours yet again and smile at him gratefully.

André carefully brings his head forward until your foreheads connect.
"Everything tomorrow won't go according to plan, honey, and that's okay. It's never supposed to go right remember, and that's good for getting over something. Plus, it's not your job to be writer and director and sound recordist and gaffer and-"
"Okay, okay," you whisper with a smile on your lips - he always knows what to say to you - "and you'll be there all the time?"

André's forehead shakes slightly as he chuckles at you fondly. "Baby, I will always be there for you, okay? That's one thing your brain never has to argue back on. I have never left you in your times of need, and I never will. I promise."

He moves his head to kiss you on both your cheeks, then brings you in closer until your head is nearly resting in the crook of his neck.
You smile again as you hear André above you make his sleepy tutting noises he always makes before he drifts off, the corners of your mouth almost touching your ears.

With his hand on your cheek, his chin on the top of your head, his legs entangled with yours and the promise you always need and from him always get, you feel still worried about tomorrow, but magically less, and you fall asleep in his arms.

Made in the middle of the night from one anxious ball of stress carrying a body to another, hope this helps everyone get to sleep and dream lovely dreams. Comment if you also love André Harris or if you also love reassurance and cuddles.

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