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Hi to everyone who is self isolating or feeling anxious about current events happening re Coronavirus today! Just a reminder to not buy into rumours and panic, and always read the statistics and facts and check everybody in your life is safe! We can get through this if we cling onto our threads of humanity and harmony! 🥰

Jade: you argue a lot - naturally, it is Jade West you're dating - but after a couple fights you both realise you kind of get... turned on by the fighting. Perhaps it's the look of sexy anger on each other's faces, perhaps it's the kick of adrenaline surging through your veins. Either way, looks like a pretty fun night for you two...

Tori: cries whenever you argue with her. It's basically her method of gaslighting: even if she's the one in the wrong, she gets so het up she starts crying which makes you feel bad so you apologise even if you did absolutely nothing. You realise this after a while - which is why you break up with her. And then she cries about that. You really can't win.

Robbie: tries to hold his own - but really, definitely can't. He doesn't want to cry in front of you because you're so much tougher than him so he runs away, obviously with Rex hot on his tail making jabs at his masculinity. You're always left blinking in the dust of his escape. You were just lightly asking him if he was the one who ate the special yogurt you kept in the fridge - what's his deal?

André: so good-natured you barely fight, but when you do it's always about issues that are lovingly close to both your hearts. Your arguments always end with at least one of you in passionate floods of tears over the topic, one of you trying to talk soothingly and rationally, and the both of you unravelling the core of the argument, then sorting it to the best of your combined ability before you leave or go to bed. Because that's the type of power couple you are.

Cat: she just faints. You can't argue with her... because she simply faints. You can't even begin to explain it; it seems you pick a fight with her, and at the slightest sense of danger she does her version of defense. Hey, at least you don't have to fight her.

Beck: he looks so gorgeous when he's arguing. When he's angry you can feel the warmth radiating off his skin in waves, and his hair flops around so much you want to make him shut up by climbing on his lap and messing with that hair until he-
And then his girlfriend Jade comes round the corner and finishes the argument with a single cutting remark, then flounces off with the guy of your dreams. You sigh after him; maybe one day you won't feel this sudden urge to rip your friend's clothes off in the middle of a heated conversation... if only...

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