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André: André flirts super well, and you love it, but you can't flirt for literal shit. So whenever you see your boyfriend in the halls he stops you for a few seconds and flirts, just to watch you fumble over the easiest pickup line and wink like you're having a fit. He laughs at you and assures you that it just makes you more endearing to him - and that's certainly true, as when you both leave school he asks to marry you, and you spend the rest of your life being embarrassed when your husband laughs good-naturedly at your terrible flirting.

Beck: woah mama can Beck flirt. He doesn't even need to do anything: he can just walk down the hall of Hollywood Arts and smile and the girls all swoon and sigh. But the thing they most sigh at is how good of a flirter Beck's boyfriend is. When you see them together they're constantly flirting, whether it be Beck's cheeky half smile or the flip of the other's long blond hair and his perfect teeth shining out from a wide smile, everybody is happy for but jealous of their relationship and joint flirting ability.

Robbie: Robbie isn't the most secretive of people, as you can tell from the first moment you meet him when he stares at you and goes, 'girl... cute...uhhh.' So it comes as no surprise when you learn that he has a crush on you as he comes up to you before class one day, tries a charming smile that comes off as creepy, and tells you you're beautiful and he would like to take you out - in a sentence that cuts off nearly all the nouns and verbs in that sentence and makes him panic and run away with Rex on his arm laughing at him. Oh well; he'll learn to talk cohesively at some point probably. Maybe in the next ten years or so.

Jade: from what you've seen, Jade can't flirt. Or perhaps she just chooses not to - or perhaps her method of flirting is talking to them brashly and directly whilst telling them where they're going for their date before hey reply. Whenever she goes up to anyone after telling you she's gonna go for it you cringe and can't look away, for it is so shocking and so admirable all at the same time.

Tori: Tori can flirt, but only when the guy is a 6 at best. When it's a really hot guy she stumbles over her feet and her words and, worst of all, she sometimes starts singing her best song really wobbly and offkey. You facepalm from the lockers and walk off pretending you don't know this girl. It's too embarrassing.

Cat: she doesn't know what flirting is. One time when you asked her how she flirts in a group conversation, she just stared at you blankly and then went back to reading Sky Mall.

Bonus: Sikowitz: one day coming into school you see your teacher Sikowitz talking to a woman around his age. You walk closer to see what they were talking about and as you near them you see Sikowitz freezing at every question and flip of the woman's hair  then say something loopy like he would to us. The woman walks away after a while and Sikowitz hangs his head then spots you and tells you he's even more worse at flirting than he is at making cheesy bread and not burning something in his house. You reach up to his height and pat him on the shoulder reassuringly, and slowly guide him into his class. He sits down and you pat his back, and tell him you're going to find him some really nice coconuts so he can calm down and forget all about this. He thanks you, and for your effort he gives you a sock puppet that he found on the floor of Inside Out Burger. Oh... uh... thank you?

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