
3.9K 65 2

Thank you to everyone who has read this to getting me to my first 1K reads! 🥳 To celebrate I'm gonna make these preferences around the topic of 1K.

André: you are there with your boyfriend as he uploads his first song to a website you'd made in Business class, and you are there when the number of listens and likes both equal up to 1000. André shouts in joy and drops his guitar to pick you up and whirl you about his head laughing. You laugh gleefully with him and tell him you're so proud of him, and you two share a kiss until Cat bounds into the room and asks if André could meet a squirrel she found in the parking lot. As André gets dragged off you give him the thumbs up, and he feels so uplifted by the fact you're here with him through the start of his career.

Jade: Jade has always been quietly obsessed with odd counting habits - one day you're woken up by your wife and rushed into your son's bedroom. Jade wakes him up, and as he sits up she pops a party popper and shouts joyfully that it's your son's 1000th day of life. Your near 3YO son is as confused as you are as Jade pulls him out of bed and both of you down the stairs to where the dining room is hung with paper decorations. She sits your son down and asks what breakfast he wants, something she's never done before not even for you, and nervously he replies porridge and she disappears into the kitchen. Your son looks at you worriedly, and you promise you'll find out what's going on and walk into the kitchen where you see Jade dancing around with the packet of oats. You tap her on the shoulder and ask what she's doing - she tells you that her father used to not be around much but always coincidentally was home every thousand days, and as she stirs the porridge she remarks that she's here more times for your son than her father was, but that doesn't mean she still shouldn't celebrate that she's in your child's life. You see a slightly downward look on her face, and attempting to take her mind off of it you grab the porridge bowl and dance around with it, her hand in yours. She takes it off of you laughing and shoves you out the kitchen, and you walk to sit back down at the table. Your 2YO asks what's going on, and because you can't bear to tell him that his grandad isn't a very nice man you tell him that she's just drunk way too much coffee and that he should just go along with it.

Tori: waiting backstage, you and Tori cross your fingers when the stage manager comes back and tells you the number of people in the audience: 1000! Tori screams and hugs you before the stagehand tells her firmly that she needs to prepare to go onstage now - you kiss her on the lips smiling and she returns the smile, then runs off. You are so immensely proud of her.

Beck: you know your boyfriend Beck works very hard regarding putting money away for the future, but as you both live in Hollywood there are many other actors that get in before him so money is hard to save. You help him set up a bank account which monitors the amount of money saved, and one day you check it then shout at him to come into the room. Beck rushes in and clocks the laptop screen. You both stare at each other, then whoop and hug each other. Beck has finally reached his first 1K in savings!

Cat: one day Cat pulls you aside before Sikowitz's class and, instead of explaining, jumps around yelling. You calm her down enough for her to listen to you asking her what is it, and she replies loudly that she just finished collecting her goal of 1000 Beanie Babies then bounces into Sikowitz's room. You shake your head at your adorable friend and walk after her, listening to the small redhead gush about which plushies she has.

Robbie: unfortunately, Robbie himself has never gotten as many as 10 dates overall, but one school day you walk in and see Robbie miserably holding up Rex who's crowing among a crowd of notably misogynistic guys - so, Rex's normal group of friends. You walk over and ask what's going on, and one of the guys tells you in awe that the puppet is celebrating his 1000th girl he's hooked up with. You find this disgusting and look at Robbie, relieved to share the same look as him. But you can't help him now: for the entire day he'll have to cart Rex around and hold him aloft as he crows about his gross victory. You feel sorry for him - but not sorry enough to take his place.

Again, thank you so much! Please suggest preferences to me and keep reading!

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