How They Ended Up In A&E

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Yo, so currently I am in A&E (British for ER for all you Americans) for scratching my eye (ouch) a few days after I ripped a lotta skin off my hand from chopping wood (wahey, double whammy) in the midst of a pandemic - I pick the best times 😂 so, to pass the time, I'm gonna tell you a little tale of how each of your precious bb's went to A&E.

Jade: picking a fight with a stranger and, for once, actually losing it. She just didn't realise that the stranger had a really strong muscly girlfriend, and when you all found it out, even Jade was shaking in her stylish black boots. It looked like a cartoon fight, or a fight in the Sims: just a big cloud with limbs and yelps flying out everywhere. You kinda wanted to help, but also kinda wanted to not get injured, so in the end you just drove a dazed Jade to A&E.

Beck: tried to catch a falling child and did, but crashed to the ground and broke her fall which subsequently broke his arm. All the while you drive him to A&E he looks shocked, as if he thought he was too careful and Candian to ever break any bones. Rest assured he was also in disbelief when you two got there and he found out there's no free healthcare in the US like there is in Canada.

Cat: electric shock off of some faulty crap she bought out of Sky Mall. It was your own fault, indirectly: she begged you to give her the money so much that you gave up and caved; next thing you know, she's set up this dangerous contraption that apparently makes popcorn, although it looks nothing like a popcorn machine, and whoosh, a lighting strike. She didn't really get injured, just a bit of a shock, but her dramatic reaction was enough to get you worried and her into A&E.

André: got his fingers stuck between the keys of a faulty keyboard. The other day Sikowitz have him the task of fixing it seeing as the musical child had been fixing instruments his whole life. To his credit, he did fix it up so it could be used again - he just forgot to double check the tightness of the keys after he took them off the mainframe. One chord and André's hand was jammed into the mechanism, and the look on your baby's face was so painful (and also kinda funny, but don't tell him that otherwise he'll be even more embarrassed) you fired up the car and sped him along to A&E yourself. And, yes, you did have to carry the attached keyboard in with him.

Robbie: literally anything. He could've done anything. I don't need to write anything: you think it, he's done it and fucked up on it somehow. Poor lad, he should just stay in the car with the window open a crack most of the time.

Tori: finally, finally fell off of a surface she was singing and dancing on. It was in the middle of a performance at Novu, meaning everyone saw, and though Jade laughed out loud at her you didn't - even though you really wanted to. They all get their comeuppance in the end; maybe now she should just dance on the stage like the rest of us.

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