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Inspired by my own period, or whatever you call it. Obviously I haven't experienced all these situations written in this chapter, so if you wanna correct me in the comments go ahead - and don't come at me saying any of this is 'gross' because soon y'all will have to accept that periods are a normal thing and are not dirty! 😁

Tori: you groan in pain as Tori opens her door and you walk in and immediately flop onto the couch. She asks how the flow is today as she knows you have a varying consistency when it comes to your period, and you worry that it's so heavy you're currently in danger of staining your jeans. Tori shrugs and suggests taking your jeans off and just going round in your oversized sweater; you're initially shocked that she would suggest such as thing due to staining and the fact that there would be a trousers-less girl other than her and her sister walking round her house, but after a while of testing it out, Tori's dad walks into the house from work and stares confused at you and Tori sitting without jeans on the couch with an old towel underneath you, watching a cheesy 2000s movie. Nevertheless he realises that at least one of you is on her period, and leaves the room to alleviate potential embarrassment.

André: every time your period comes your boyfriend takes extra care to provide everything for you for your best comfort: hot water bottles of every material and size; a special spot in his cupboard in his room dedicated to every type of reusable cloth pad and moon cup and tampon available; a pile of old towels stacked in a corner every month; ice cream always stocked in the fridge. André always gets so flustered in case you aren't okay because he fears periods are really painful, and every time you assure him that they sometimes are but he helps; then you cuddle up to him with a hot water bottle and tell him to put a rom-com on. And he does, obviously, because he wants you to be the most comfortable you can be.

Beck: whenever you got your period when you were together, Beck got into the habit of laying you on your side on a pile of cushions and spooning you whilst keeping his hands pressed against your abdomen and his cheek on yours to make you feel comforted in those times your cramps just wouldn't be restrained by painkillers. Even after you two split up, he would always do the same if you came up to him and asked to repeat it if the cramps were getting too bad, and when you got a new boyfriend Beck taught him to use the technique whenever you needed it. Of course, your new boyfriend isn't as good as period spooning as Beck was, but you still appreciate both of the men trying to keep you happy.

Robbie: you're used to having your periods every few months or so but your new boyfriend Robbie definitely isn't, especially when you forget to mention that your period makes you incredibly horny! Poor Robbie never stood a chance: whenever you aren't moaning in pain or asking him to get you tampons which he was still getting used to handling, you're asking sulkily like a petulant teenager for any sexual favours. Of course, being Robbie the poor boy had never done any of what you wanted and so is scared of what would happen (especially if there was blood involved), so you grow more and more sexually frustrated until one day you wake up feeling oddly... non-charged. You peek in the toilet when you went and find that your period is gone! You joyfully tell Robbie and, mightily relieved that you weren't going to pull him unwillingly outside of his comfort zone for another couple months, he laughs til he cries then hugs you til you ask him to let go of you or you'd both be late for school.

Jade: Jade thinks periods are gross so she doesn't have them; as her sibling you keep reminding her that this means she'll never have children, and she keeps insisting that she'll never want kids because kids are irritating as Hell and if the need ever arises she'll just foster or adopt. Ah, well - at least she won't be contributing to overpopulation.

Cat: being poor and naive as she is, whenever Cat gets her period she sees the blood and starts screaming. You wake up from your nap and rush to her, every time convinced your sister is dying and every time being frustrated that she still doesn't understand what menstruation is. You try talking her through it time and time again, but after the second year of her being legitimately scared of going to the toilet one week a month you give up. She's Cat anyway - she'll never learn.

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