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Jade: doesn't know how to be a nice parent because her parents weren't exactly the most comforting or accommodating, so when her kids come to her whining or crying, she either turns them over to you or tells them to buck up. As a result, you have been dubbed the 'fun' parent, which infuriates Jade to the point of tears. You two spend many a night talking over how to be a fun and happy parent, and decide that your wife is going to go to a counselling course for parents, which can help her get through her insecurities about parenting to become a better one for your children.

Beck: the kind parent. Always has a first aid kit because children are tiny tornadoes and he is always worried one of them will break their neck doing something silly, listens to their rants about sharing or their favourite story patiently (even when they're complete nonsense), and talks in a calm soothing voice to them that makes passersby coo at his supreme dad skills.

Cat: lets her kids walk all over her. You've banned her from taking them to the shops with her because she always gives them the biggest chocolate bars and cereals that are bad for them, because she just can't say no to the puppy eyes. As a result, you're the mean one, which isn't really fun to hear when repeated over and over by mad toddlers.

Robbie: is so scared of his own children and the responsibilities that are entailed that he pushes you to do everything. He lets them walk all over him for the sole reason that he doesn't know what else to do with them.

Tori: the cringiest parent you've ever seen. In the effort to seem cool, she takes to introducing herself to every friend of her kids, dancing at any hangout they have, and at any point telling them all desperately she can sing well - even when dropping them off at school. Sometimes she even actually sings, and that's when the kids slam the door shut and speed walk away as fast as their little legs can carry them. Later on she asks you why her kids seem to not want to be seen with her; it takes literally everything in you not to shout at her that how she behaves is not solid parents material.

André: the fun parent, no matter how fun the other is. He's especially brilliant at birthdays: rents a bounce house, dresses as a magician, makes and buys and passes out party food and drink, cracks jokes all day, and is generally a laugh riot.

Bonus - Sikowitz: if he ever had children (God help their poor souls), he would as soon as they're old enough take them to see shows. He would tell them about his day, help them dress up in really odd costumes, and go through improv exercises with them before he tries them with his classes. He would also make them addicted to coconuts.

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