Rattled (Jade X Female!Reader Oneshot)

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Requested by JulieTheLazyArtist - it makes me happy that so many of my readers stan Jade West, because honestly everybody should 💘

You only talked to Tori once - something completely redundant as well, just asking how she was doing on your field trip to the woods that Sikowitz seems to think will get you all into the minds of animals and teach you skills in survival and method acting. But, of course, Jade didn't think of it that way; to her you were betraying her by crossing enemy lines.

It was around when you forced yourself to laugh at a basic-ass joke Tori made, when your girlfriend decided to storm off futher into the forest alone in a huff.

Tori catches the last glimpse of her black net skirt and points after her, asking you, "Was that Jade?"
You restrain yourself against asking her sarcastically if there were any other hot angry emo goths around, and instead turn on your heels and begin to try and follow Jade.

"Jade? Babe?" you say loudly, but you can't hear anyone larger than the occasional bunny roaming in the growth. Great - she's sulking.

Thinking quick, you call out your Marco Polo equivalent, "Hot Patootie!" and instantly you hear a faint, "Bless ma soul!... dammit."
You smirk triumphantly to yourself and follow the voice until you reach a clearing.

Sitting on a fallen log in the middle of the circular dry grass that resembles the crop circles in alien films, your girlfriend props her chin on her white knuckles as she glares at you. You can't resist the urge to cross your arms gleefully as you walk over to her and say smugly, "You really love that rock 'n' roll, don't ya?"

"Shut up," she mutters darkly, and with another smirk you plop yourself on the log next to her and drape an arm round her shoulders. She lays her head on your own shoulder and asks with a hint of sulky fear, "Why were you talking to Tori? I haven't done anything to her lately."
You raise an eyebrow and, without looking at her and instead watching the tree fronds wave slowly, reply, "Oh really? So... you weren't the one that hid a spider in her bag after she put it on the coach? Despite me seeing you cupping something black in your hands before you put your own stuff in the luggage carrier last?"

You can feel her roll her eyes it's so strong, and after a few moments she quietly replies, "Okay, but I haven't done anything so bad that you have to go and talk to her. Just talk to me."
You look down at her draping her legs across your legs and cuddling you the way she does only if you two are alone, and smile fondly. You cuddle her closer and press a kiss to the top of her head, saying equally as quietly, "Just because you don't like her, doesn't mean other people feel the same way. I was talking to her because I hadn't in a while, and to anybody except you that would be considered rude. Happy now, Grumpy Dwarf?"

She glances up at you and pokes her tongue out at the dwarf comment, and jokes casually "Not until people leave my woman alone, Doc."

You laugh, press another kiss to her crown, and stretch your legs so she takes her own off of them. "Come on babe, we gotta get back. Beck will be wondering where we are."
"He'll just assume we're off getting to second base amongst the smell of pine - that's what they say in Crazyhead, isn't it?" she shrugs but grabs your hand nevertheless to haul herself up, as you laugh at her comment on one of your favourite miniseries - she finds it illogical yet hilarious, which annoys her as she doesn't understand how it's funny if it's stupid.

When you're both upright you walk with hands linked together to the edge of the grass circle and look out to the dense wilderness. Funny, you think, you can't hear anyone anymore. And normally you can hear Sikowitz's booming declarations of insane things fifty blocks away.
"Uhh, Jade?"
"Did you take note of where we were going?"
"Do I look like Hansel and Gretel?" she replies sarcastically, but stops short when she looks behind you and squeezes your hand urgently.

You ask what it is whilst peering into the undergrowth, but she doesn't speak and just squeezes your hand more. You sigh and look to where she's looking, to find a lone rattlesnake arching up at the two of you, stock still in the middle of the circle.
You blink at it, and Jade does the same. You try to think back to those animal classes you took a few years back in the three weeks you decided you wanted to be a vet, but all you can remember is that if it rattles it feels threatened. Is it dangerous or not?

Jade asks the same: "Is that snake gonna bite us?" and you manage to stutter out, "Uhh, I don't know."
She says quietly and slowly, as if the snake could hear you talking about it, "Should we run now?"

The snake shrinks and coils and all of a sudden rattles terrifyingly loudly, and all thoughts of being lost escape your mind as you grip your girlfriend's hand tighter and pull her through the forest away from the clearing and the snake that you can't remember is dangerous or not.

As you run you mutter, "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, OW!" and yell as you stumble over an exposed root on the forest floor. You fall to the floor, causing Jade to fall over you, but because you were both running so fast you start to roll in a speedy trajectory across the floor stuck together.

Both you and Jade begin to yell indignantly as you roll over small rocks and through bushes full of native insects, and you don't stop rolling with unimaginable force to God only knows where until you feel hands placed on your shoulders, making you completely stop.

You both squint up into the bright light to find long hair nearly tickling your cheeks, and the person pulls you up to offer you a puzzled smile. Tori?

You and Jade exchange bewildered looks and peer at everyone in the class in turn, including Sikowitz who is raising an eyebrow in bemused amusement. Somehow you managed to roll each other back to the patch of woods everyone was based.

Beck was the first one to break the silence: "Did you two have fun re-enacting Crazyhead?"

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