The Mandatory Quarantine Chapter

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You knew it was coming - what you all do when you're in quarantine! Hey, guess what everyone - over 50K reads and over 1K votes! OMG guys, thank you so much!!!🥰

Tori: video chats on her laptop. Of course, she has a nasty habit of saying goodbye then forgetting she didn't end your call. However, you don't always end it for her because sometimes it's too funny to watch her dance about singing wildly to herself whilst cleaning up her overly messy room - how can she have such a messy room for someone who spends all her time just sitting on her bed on her phone?

André: misses your kisses and video calls you singing random excerpts of songs he's trying to make for you in order for him to stay sane. He's got no other choice: he's locked down with his grandma, and if Grandma is paranoid about regular things, just imagine what she's like regarding a global pandemic! At least once whenever you're calling him you can either hear or see her shouting for her grandson to block the vents so the (not-airborne) virus can't get to her or to warn him that the delivery service person is standing too close to the door (they aren't and the house has a porch). You feel sorry for him, but at least he isn't stuck with your sister Cat and your crazy family, whom all insist that your mother's job of chasing criminals dressed as Batman is a key worker job, and whom wake up in the middle of the night screaming that the imaginary physical manifestation of the virus is careening towards them at record pace. For the record, that's everyone but you in the family who has that dream - four whole insane people.

Jade: cabin fever on the second day. Whenever you call her she tries to persuade you into sneaking out and being together in secret but you have to keep reminding her that this lockdown isn't just about you or her catching it, it's about flattening the curve and not giving the virus the chance to pass to other carriers or people who are at serious risk of harm. It's around the time you start to recite the latest statements the WHO have put out that she ends the call, making you mildly peeved and deciding to call Robbie instead.

Cat: tells you in the second week she's decided to take up a new hobby - cool, you say. The third week, she tells you the hobby is knitting - a little worried about the needles but knowing you can't do anything, you say okay. The fourth week, when you videochat she has wool draped over her head but insists she's fine and it's just her brother who's going a bit stir-crazy - sufficiently alarmed because you know what her brother's like, you ask her if she can take up another hobby and she says she'll think about it. The fifth week, all four walls of her room are covered in small different coloured dots and draped about are hanging wool - more than sufficiently alarmed you ask what's happened, and she says she's just painted her walls and she's feeling sane. The fifth week, you ask to videochat and she hurriedly says no - you are now fully panicking and demand to know what's happened, and after a while she replies sorrowfully that the house doesn't look too good. The sixth week - from the sounds of her brother screaming and brushes hitting the wall and running in the background, you don't wanna know. Hopefully in week seven they'll have at least bought her brother more morphine.

Robbie: Rex owns his ass even more. Nobody can stop him, not even Lane on his weekly video calls. Robbie can only talk to other people with Rex's permission - thankfully that includes you because the disgusting puppet thinks you're hot, but after last week when you sent in the mail a magazine to Robbie that Rex didn't like as there weren't any naked ladies in it, you've been officially warned that you're on thin ice.

Beck: hosts a daily webshow where each video consists of different things to do where he takes his shirt off. After too many comments on every single one of them discussing how hot he is, you decide this is a shameless way to spend being bored, but can never seem to click off every video...

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