In A Pickle Pt. 2 (Jade X Reader Oneshot)

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Here's the second part of the protective Jade imagine requested by @papijauregui96. Enjoy the thrilling (ish cuz you've seen the episode) conclusion!

You mope around by yourself in the courtyard, pausing only momentarily every so often to nod at your only friend other than Tori in here, a large woman called Sheema whom people thought looked like a man. You thought she only looked a little like a man, though; and for that reason only she became your most respected individual here.

You obviously had little respect or patience for Tori now, as when faced with lying for the both of you to get less time serving an accidental prison sentence illegally in a foreign country she decided to take the 'good girl' route and kept insisting it was an accident. So you both got four years. You were beginning to see why Jade complained about her so much.

Speaking of, you hear a woman shout your name from behind you and you turn and shriek at the sight of Jade and your friends. You rush over and hug each one of them through the bars, hugging André carefully because of the salt he was obsessively eating in one hand, before kissing your girlfriend passionately through the bars. Cat spots Tori somewhere in the prison and waves her over, and the group ask how you both are doing.

"I'm doing okay," you say whilst looking around you, "I mean, okay for being in a prison, I guess..."
You think Jade will reassure you, but instead develops a wicked smile and asks Tori, "So, has anyone tried to beat you up?"
You roll your eyes as Tori explains that everyone rightly thinks she's the chick who stabbed the Chancellor's eye. Then, your eyes catch Sheema walking slowly over to you all. Your eyebrows slowly raise: from what you've seen, this lady doesn't seem to take to strangers well.

Especially when it registers in your mind that your girlfriend just called her a man.

"Jade!" you hiss, and she raises her own eyebrows as your new friend slams her hand against the bars. You are quick to grab her hand and pull it behind her back to restrain her like you've seen other inmates do before, and everybody looks at you shocked including your new friend.
"What was that for?!" she rumbles, and you bite your lip as you search for an answer.
"You were about to hurt my girlfriend..." you trail off as she wrenches herself out of your grip and stalks off. Jade yells after her, making herself out to not be afraid when you know she's acting defensively, and you sigh.

"Look, you guys should probably go if you're talking to ambassadors and provoking convicts," you reason.
Tori chimes in beside you, "Yeah, must you aggravate my fellow prisoners?!"
"Yes I must," Jade replies in quick succession and you roll your eyes, exasperated from the conversation and getting slightly more anxious each time you see two prisoners coming towards you bearing rocks.

The biggest woman tosses a large rock in her hand, and nods to Tori.
"Hey, girlies. You want to play rocks?"

You and Tori slowly look at each other with terror. United in your joint fear you whisper to everyone to get out and they do, Jade squeezing your hand before she goes, leaving you two to walk behind the women and get positioned in front of a expansive lonely wall.
Lonely because nobody else was against it, and for good reason too - because as you leant against it rocks were thrown at the both of you.

"Run!" you shout and you both clasp hands and blindly run through the shower of rocks screaming.


A couple of hours after the 'rocks' incident, and you and Tori are still shaken up. You're leaning on the broad shoulder of Sheema as she sharpens a stick, and she pauses in her whittling and looks down at you biting your lip and looking around you.

"You will not survive here if you do not brave the rocks."
You glance up at her, the rays of sunlight filtering through her lanky curls. "I know. But they're just so... hard."
She tilts her head to one side, causing you to squint in the new hit of the sun.
"That is because they are rocks."

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