Stabby Stabby

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Hi everyone! I got a request from @AddisonCheerleader to do a Victorious roleplay, and never say I don't listen to my readers! I'll be trying one out in a few chapters, but first everybody comment which character you would like to roleplay please! 😁

Robbie: you stab him with a dagger very close to his abdomen because he takes too long to get one sentence out, stuttering too damn much for your liking, and you get bored easily. He just looks at you, shocked, and you shrug and pop a cherry into your mouth.
His response: "That's fair."

Jade: you two are engaged in a nail-biting tension-rising duel, and she has been flirting with you to take you offguard. Because of this you try to stab her through the heart but miss so totally it's embarrassing, and instead go through her midsection. With a smirk and a cocked eyebrow, she says cheekily:
"I was hoping for a different kind of penetration actually."

Tori: she tries to be a smartass with you, but you're a time-travelling knight from the Middle Ages who doesn't understand smartassery, so you take her cynical remark literally and stab her in the lung. As she falls to the ground struggling to breathe with a sword stuck in her chest, her last dying breath is used to say to you, clearly never knowing when to leave well enough alone:
"So are you gonna have this back or can I keep it?"

Cat: she stabs you because you went round to her house uninvited to just talk. She sees your silhouette outside, gets horrified and terrified out of her mind, the window in the door and busts the door open and stabs you in the shoulder with a butterknife. As it's a butterknife it doesn't break the skin but hurts nonetheless, and you yell in unprovoked pain; gasping she yells:
"I thought you were the doctor my brother said not to let in anymore!"

Beck: you stab him with a cake knife after you serve him tea in your home, just to see what happens and if he'll get angry because he's always so chill. Shockingly, he seems to even be chill when you cause him pain, because he just pulls out the knife from his stomach and tosses it on the counter next to the cake dome with a blank expression. Like he'd done it all before, which makes you wonder what he's done in Canada before moving. With a mouth full of cake, he asks innocently and curiously to your complete bewilderment:
"What did you do that for?"

André: he stabs you. In the heart. After school in the parking lot, with one of Sikowitz's 'stage combat swords,' and then afterwards buries you in the nearby playground underneath a slide. The both of you never thought it would come to this, but as he shovels dirt over your lifeless body he hisses surprisingly maliciously, hordes of tears crowding his face:
"I told you, time and time again... there can only be one keyboard player at the Showcase."

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