Me Needs The Bibble Pt. 1 (Cat Valentine Oneshot)

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Requested by CadeShipper - Cat is addicted to Bibble and you try to stop her. Part one of a miniseries, as many chapters as it takes to go on an adventure! Also, please take time out to applaud this fic reaching 40K reads, and to choose which character you would like to play as in my upcoming Victorious roleplay!

You are approached at your security job one day. You listen to your boss waffle on about some job you've been enlisted to do as you fiddle about with the elastic band ball on your desk, then unceremoniously snap one on your finger when you hear her say:


You sit up, now fully invested. Bibble? She's putting you on a job involving... Bibble?

You interrupt your boss, holding your arms up as if in surrender.
"With all due respect madam, you can't put me on a job that involves Bibble. I've just gotten clean of the stuff myself! I can't go back!" You lean over the desk and messily clutch her collar, pulling her down to see your wide desperate eyes.
"Don't send me back to Bibble!"

"Y/N, I am sorry but there is simply no-one else that is able to take on the job. We all know your... past with Bibble," she tugs herself out of your grip as it slackens with reminders of dark times when all you had to eat was Bibble, "but we here all firmly believe that you now have enough self-control to stop yourself from going back to that dark, dark place."

You stare at your desk, looking at the framed photograph on it of you and your old friend, Oliver. You remember the fun you used to have with him before he became addicted to Bibble. He went clean, of course, but then he got addicted again after a chance job involving a Bibble-crazy girl from Hollywood Arts high school. After he went to rehab for Bibble addiction you swore you'd never go near the stuff again.

You look back up at your boss. She leans across the table and looks into your eyes with serious worry.
"Y/N, somewhere in LA there is a girl who is as addicted to Bibble as you were. I know this is hard for you, but would you rather reject the mission and watch as this girl's life spirals out of control like yours and Oliver's did, or take a stand and help this poor child find her way back onto the path of life?"

You furrow your brows. That was a moral you would never abuse; when you got your job at this firm you swore you would always serve and protect civilians.

With shaky legs you stand up, and salute your boss.
"Madam, I will do whatever it takes to save this young girl's life being ruined by the scourge that is Bibble. I give you my word."
You put one hand on your heart and salute with the other, and your boss sighs and leaves your cubicle. Opening up the files on your computer you quickly find who this person you're protecting is, then gasp and look at your photo of Oliver as you whisper in horror...

"Cat Valentine!"

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