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Robbie: devours fantasy and sci-fi novels with the gusto of an elementary school kid with nothing else to do. Due to this, he knows just about everything that's going to happen in the movie and TV adaptations they keep making nowadays because Hollywood doesn't have many new ideas, so whenever you're all having a movie or TV night you have to plan around Robbie secretly so he can't come and ruin it. You all love Robbie, but unfortunately not enough to have an entire show ruined for his pleasure.

Jade: loves reading fanfiction on any platform, especially LGBT+ fanfiction. She says it's because she wants to learn more about people and stuff; you know for sure it's because she's still worried about coming out, though you've all assured her it's going to be fine.

Tori: her favourite genre is YA fiction - understandable, because she lives her entire life like she's in one. She eats up every YA book you give her, spending hours uninterrupted in her room - due to Trina being out trying to catch yet another boy in her grasp - reading without distraction so much that she finishes at least one book every week.

André: takes out dozens upon dozens of books on music from the local and school library, eager to learn and enthusiastic about his chosen profession. However, he takes all the books out at once, meaning they all have the same return due date. Meaning, he needs to read them all by a certain time, usually about six weeks. Obviously, nobody, not even Robbie, can read that many books on music that fast, and he's really bad with dates, so he always forgets when to return them then gets a killer library fine. And he always forgets to pay them so every time he does it the payments rack up until it's impossibly high - and the payment for only one fine is like 20 cents, so hopefully that's an indicator of just how much André is doing.

Beck: volunteers at the local library on Sundays to read to children, because he's a natural father and would love to have kids of his own some day. Jade is unnerved by the knowledge that he would rather read with children than make out with her, so she always flies off around this time.

Cat: doesn't read books, per se - not even comics, or fanfiction, or poetry. No, the best thing she loves reading is... SkyStore! She takes copies out the local library as if they were regular fiction, and has a stack on the table in her home with her purse acting as a paperweight.

Bonus - Trina: doesn't read. At. All. A stark contrast to how quickly Tori devours them, Trina can't go near a book without practically throwing up. For Christmas one time you get her a book series, Noughts And Crosses, and she takes one look at it, then almost screams and flies into the bathroom. You look in confusion in her direction, and Mr and Mrs Vega tut and tell you she hasn't read an actual book since she was in elementary school.

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