Angsty Romantic Cliches You Are

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Because even if you claim to have never read one in your life, everyone knows how tropey and cliched angsty teen books are.

André: he tries to protect you in battle, even though you're actually stronger than him. In the name of love, he helps you dodge a flying burrito that you totally could've avoided yourself, and crouches low to the ground holding your hands. You shout at him that you're not leaving without him, and he kisses you deeply and says one final desperate 'I love you' before pushing you underneath a table and running towards the Grub Truck.
Yes, the Grub Truck.
Robbie and Trina injured Festus again and they still haven't learned to mitigate responsibilities.

Jade: the 'I thought I lost you' hug after she comes back from a talk with your parents.
She's the first girlfriend you've had and your parents are super protective - anything could have happened. Plus Jade could've kicked off, and then your parents definitely wouldn't have let you continue dating her.

Beck: you holding his dead body, sobs racking your own. Blood is spattered over his abdomen from the gory hole in his stomach, and you cry over it with so many tears that you feel your head pound and become swimmy. You call out to someone, anyone, but nobody responds - mainly because it's in the script that his character bleeds out and dies for your character development.
This spring play is gonna be so lit, you tell everyone after you've helped wipe the fake blood off the both of you.

Robbie: his weak mind is being controlled and forced to kill you. Genuinely frightened for some reason you squeal and run through the halls of the school as Robbie follows you.
As you run you wonder why you're actually scared - Rex thinks murder is  just making him hit you in the face really hard. Also, it turns out you can just get Lane to help you and Robbie lock the puppet in a drawer so Rex can't reach your friend's mind.

Tori: Tori sobs into your chest, leaving trails of snot down your shirt. In response you stroke her hair and murmur soothingly. You try to talk to her, to calm her down, but the grief she feels burning in the deepest pit of her belly forbids her from listening to anything but her own forlorn wails.
You don't say it out loud, but privately you think that her losing her hair straighteners aren't that big of a deal.

Cat: she sees you on the floor unmoving, and loses it. She looks at the guy that's standing near your lying body, holding a plastic knife, and runs headfirst into him as if she's in battle; the guy yelps in surprise as she makes contact, and when he sees the fire in her eyes ye starts to run, screaming that this isn't part of the script.
At the sudden noise you open your eyes, see Cat fighting your co-actor, and shout in panic that you were just rehearsing for a film where he murders you.
Unsurprisingly, she doesn't hear you.

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