Christmas Numero Dos

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Second part! I wonder what will happen with Jade and Tori (and you!) next...

Cat: really wanting to get your girlfriend the best present this Christmas, you deliberate long and hard over what to get Cat until one day in the mall shopping for new pyjamas for Rex you stumbles across a pet shop. You look closer and from the window you see a small dog with short ginger-golden hair jumping about in its playpen. You smile - perfect! You rush inside and immediately step into the playpen and the puppy jumps into your lap and playfully licks your face, and the old woman behind the counter laughs at you and asks if you want to buy her, and you agree enthusiastically. Lugging the puppy home that day with a canvas bag full of dog toys and dog food, you think of the infectious smile that will radiate from Cat's face on Christmas day and smile yourself, then giggle as the dog tries to kick your boob thinking it a squishy toy.

Tori: out of shame of probably being shut down you don't go to the class you share with Tori until the very last one before you break up for Christmas holidays, and obviously it doesn't affect Tori as she doesn't ask anyone where you are and she doesn't go after you in any way. One day you buy a best-looking wrap from the food van next to the lunch tables and go to the table your friends are on and calling to you by singing joyful Christmas songs, when you bump into Tori and accidentally tip her slushy over her top. When she sees who you are, the only response you have is: 'who has a slushy in winter?' then you feel incredibly guilty for judging her and turn back to your table. She stops you and puts her hand on your forearm, making you even more nervous than you already were. You turn your head to look at her and she actually... apologises! You stare at her. From what you've seen in class she always stands up for what she believes in and what she does, and even though sometimes it's exasperating it's a very endearing trait about her - and she apologises? She notices the cogs spinning in your head and gently suggests you coming to her table with her friends. Is... is this a come-on? You have to admit you have only a little more knowledge of how people flirt than Sinjin, so you're not sure, but either way Tori guides you away from your friends (who are equally as confused as you) and toward a table holding a small giggling redhead, a curly haired boy with a large puppet, a dark skinned boy with a keyboard, and a raven haired scowling girl arm in arm with a male model-looking boy smiling at her. Tori sits down and smiles at each of them in turn and gestures for you to sit down, and you're even more confused. Throughout lunch she smiles at you mysteriously and eats with a twinkle in her eye - attraction, or the Christmas spirit? I guess you'll see...

Robbie: this Christmas the gang (and you, the new addition who doesn't know everyone well enough just yet) start a Secret Santa as it went really well last year, and you get Robbie. Out of everyone you probably know Robbie the least - he's a very awkward fellow who gets red every time you go near him because of the simple fact that you're a woman. You riff long and hard until you figure it out - that perfect present. On Christmas Eve Eve (Dec 23rd) all seven of you gather at Tori's parents' large house and exchange gifts. In the end Robbie is the last one without a present next to him and he looks at you curiously as everyone else has told them their Secret Santa, and you get up and open the back door to where a small heated tent is on the patio. You call inside of it and out comes a very attractive girl from Robbie's stage fighting class in a short red dress trimmed with white. She walks into the room and smiles charmingly at Robbie, and the bespectacled nerd is speechless. The girl comes up to him and kisses him on the cheek, and you explain that for Christmas you found a girl from Robbie's class who fancies him and let her express her feelings for him. Robbie stares at you and his cheeks redden even more, and you cross your arms smugly knowing that he loves this Christmas present more than what he's ever got - apart from Rex, obviously!

Beck: December conclusion: Beck looks hilariously adorable among the students in Hollywood Arts as he waltzes in each day wearing a different holiday-themed costume with Cat painting his face to match at lunch time. What a time to be alive eh!

André: André knows you're broke as Hell, so he insists over and over throughout December that you don't need to get him a present for Christmas, but you still feel guilty. One day you and Cat are traipsing around the mall when she drags you into a craft store, you asking concerned if she's allowed near hot glue, when you see all the cheap craft supplies and get struck with inspiration. You quickly buy the littlest cheapest supplies and when back at home get busy making, and on Christmas day when your family visit to share Christmas dinner with him and his crazy grandmother you give him his present with a smile. He still insists that you shouldn't have gotten him anything until all the wrapping is shelled off and he gasps - you have made an intricately elegant collage photo with a frame of all your photos and moments together: your hike to the Hollywood sign; your pool selfies; even a phone pic you took of him snoozing in your bed cuz he looked too cute to not snap. He holds it to his chest and kisses you passionately, and you smile back until his grandmother pulls you apart saying that your mouth may have poison stored in it. You both shake your heads good-naturedly, and for the rest of the dinner your head is laid on André's shoulder comfortably and his heart is beating fully for you.

Jade: you try to call Jade but for the next week she wilfully ignores you: every time you sit down for lunch she drags her boyfriend Beck to another table; when you call her name down the hall she turns around and goes to every other student there; even in class, when she can't go anywhere, you sit right next to her and she just turns her head away from you and pretends she can't hear you. You ask Beck one day what's going on with her and he replies that she keeps yelling about how you did something, she's never actually told him what you've done. After that you resolve to talk to her and that day after Sikowitz's class you corner her in the classroom and lock all the doors - and windows, you know how flexible she is - and stand up to her. You ask her what's wrong, and she roars that even if she told you what would you do? Nothing! She wrenches herself out of your hold and makes for the door but you get there just in time and demand to know. She gives in, and shouts that Christmas isn't about fires and hugs and presents and family like what you said, but about helping people and being kind and forgiveness, and miraculously smashes the door down and revvs off yelling for Beck. You're left there feeling hurt - why did your speech on Christmas affect her so? You decided that as her friend you needed to investigate.

Looks like I'm making a Pt. 3 to continue the Jade and Cat stories! Hey everyone, tell me what you're doing for Christmas in the comments! 🧥🧣🧤🧦

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