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Robbie: he kept pestering you to watch one of his favourite TV shows once you started dating, so one date you give in and he brings you to his house to settle in on the couch and watch Avatar: The Last Airbender. Surprisingly it was amazing and so well written for something Robbie and 11 year olds like, and you snuggle into Robbie more as he watches the show avidly, refusing even his favourite liquorice snacks as he stares at the screen in that adorkable rapture you love so much.

Tori: when your wifi goes out you go over to your girlfriend's house to watch something, anything, and when you open the door with the keys she gave you you see Tori curled over her laptop on one of the couches. You go over and ask what she's watching, so she hooks her arm in yours and introduces you to this web show called iCarly, run by three teens a few years younger than you. You soon become obsessed with this show for its hilarity and random dancing, so every night it comes on live becomes your new date night at Tori's house.

Cat: seeing as you're British you have no idea what shows anyone watches and instead rewatch old shows from your homeland. One day Cat jumps on you from behind and whilst cuddling you spots your phone screen showing an episode from Torchwood. When you try to explain it to her she doesn't get it, so after classes you watch an episode with her, and it's safe to say it's not Cat's cup of tea. She reels back at the first sight of a Weevil with her hands over her eyes and continuous gasping, and you turn the phone off and cluck round her until Beck turns the corner and sees you trying to comfort her in vain. He shakes his head good-naturedly and picks her up and places her on the steps and gives her water, and you feel immensely guilty. I guess you haven't made a friend in Cat yet.

André: on a date to the aquarium the event had to be closed because the dolphins revolted against the staff, so you two were stuck with nowhere to go. So he suggests going over to yours, as you didn't fancy making out with his grandma screaming that her toothbrush kept being taken by a ghost and placing it just below her feet, and in the middle of kissing on your bed your TV plays the start of Friends. You immediately push André off of you and you reach for the remote to turn it up more. André sighs at the fact his makeout session had been cancelled and went to go make coffee, but at least he left you to watch the episode omnibus and instead went on his phone and texted the gang until he fell asleep on your bed.

Beck: Beck is an incredibly cheesy person secretly, though he puts up a sexy controlled character. Once you've been dating for a couple months and you ask if you want to watch a TV show together, he admits what he's never told anyone before, not even Jade when they used to be dating: he doesn't watch shows but instead has an extensive collection of rom-coms. Good and bad and cheesy. And unironically. Just to be a good girlfriend you watch them, even though you were never kinda into romances and just comedies, and in return he thanks you in any way you want...

Jade: one date you were interrupted from making out to the doorbell. You both answered it and bounding in came Cat, laughing in her twinkly way about some TV show she'd just found. Jade was about to punch her lights out until you slowly lowered her clenched fist and kindly asked Cat what the show is, ignoring Jade's whispers that she wanted to continue their session. The three of you sit down on the couch you were just kissing on, two of you begrudgingly and one of you happy as Larry, and Cat switched to the Disney Channel where an animated show called Miraculous was playing. Although you and Jade quietly grumbled all the way through, by the fourth one you were both entranced by the scriptwriting and the adorable OTP of the show, even if they were a straight couple. Although the female gay couple in there reminded you of a certain two people...

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