How You Hug

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Requested by Witchy_Moon - you guys, I love hugs. I can't get enough of them, and neither can these guys. Enjoy, and remember to comment who you want to be in my upcoming Victorious roleplay - Tori and Jade are already taken! 😁

Beck: Peter Kavinsky style, whenever you're around he slips his hand into your back pocket then whirls you around until he catches you in his arms. Of course, it's not always exactly like the movies and you always get dizzy when he does it, occasionally almost falling over with your feet stumbling, but you smile widely anyway and he kisses you until you can see straight again. By the way, sound off in the comments if you've watched To All The Boys I've Loved Before, and how much you liked it, because everybody loves this film, surely - it's so adorable!

Cat: bear hugs! She may be a tiny girl, but her arms seem to connect behind your back every time she takes a running jump at you when you meet every day. She even manages to hold you up a few inches off the ground and whirl you about, which although you're happy about you're quite worried how her small frame does it.

Jade: quick hugs round your waist whenever nobody's looking or in the room, then pushes you off of her like you were the one who instigated it. She has an image to uphold as Badass Gank™️, she can't be seen showing emotion, what are you thinking?

Robbie: whirls you round and round to the best of his ability, which honestly isn't much - he is a weak boy. But he tries his best even though you can see his matchstick legs wobble, because he wants you to know you are worth him breaking his bones for.

Tori: you sling your arms over her narrow shoulders, and she secures her arms under your arms and round your upper back. You sway a little from the force of you both running to each other in excitement, and each time she laughs at it and you laugh because she laughs.

André: super soft hugs by super soft boy. Wraps his arms delicately round your upper arms and squeezes you gently whilst burying his cheek in the crook of your neck and smiling against your skin. You feel so special whenever he gives you soft hugs, and in turn your hands rise to rest on his upper back.

Bonus - Sinjin: awkwardly. Hasn't hugged many people other than his family in his entire life, so when you - a non-family, non-friend who coincidentally happens to be his crush - hug him warmly to express your gratitude at his role in your production, his mind completely blanks and his glasses fog up, and he starts making small odd noises that sound like a computer crashing. At the sound of him glitching, you immediately pull away from him and stare at him weirdly. He makes no attempt to pick himself back up, and just stares back at you with his glasses still so foggy he can't see anything.

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