Your Secret Favourite (André X Reader Oneshot)

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Okay, so since I started this story one of my aims was to reach out and discuss my writing with you lot, the readers, cuz you guys are the reason I haven't given up writing this and deleted it without anyone knowing. Every couple chapters I always ask a question for you guys to answer, and you never have... apart from the last one! So, true to my word, I am going to dedicate my next few chapters to oneshots based around your answers. First one comes from Babygirlz6 who rightfully says that André doesn't get enough love. If you like it, tell me!

You get out of class and wave goodbye to some of your classmates, already looking around the other students milling about in the hallway. You know who you're looking for - isn't it obvious? André Harris.

You normally ate with him and your friends, so long as Jade wasn't in an almighty strop. You didn't want to be late, because that's rude.

Yeah, Y/N, keep telling yourself that's the only reason you wanna find André...

André, not to your knowledge, was actually thinking about you too. In the last class he had he was asked by the teacher to run an errand so he set off strolling lazily down the halls as he usually did, minding his own business, until he saw you through the window of a classroom. He thought to himself, it would be fine if he just peeked in and saw how you were doing, but when he did his mood dropped.

There you were, sitting behind a desk with your legs crossed and your gum popping in your mouth... but your sights weren't on the teacher or what she was saying.

To his shock and hurt, they were on a cute guy sitting near you.

André backed away from the window a little, his eyes downcast. He couldn't believe it.

All these years of being himself and loved but just not loved enough. All these years being in at least one person's shadow for them being even more something he does perfectly. He thought when he started falling for you that you would see that there's no reason not to love him back.

Yet there you are, checking out a guy who was fitter, probably smarter, probably more musical, probably better than him. Why did he bother even thinking that you would like him as more than a friend back?

Flash back to the present, and you finally find André sitting on a lunch table between Robbie and Cat, who are arguing over him about the best way to clean a toothpick for some reason.
"Hey André," you smile sunnily, noting that he isn't smiling back at you, "I couldn't for the life of me find you before lunch. I thought you were in Sikowitz's class?"

"Um, yeah, yeah I was," he replies distantly, and you bend down and wave a hand in front of his face. He looks sad, and that's unusual for André; he's normally so energetic and passionate and full of life. What's gotten into, or rather out of, him?

"Uhh, André, what's up?" You wiggle your hand side to side but still don't catch his attention. You frown - his brows are pulled down close to his eyes, making his eyelids creased, and his full lips were in... a small pout? You couldn't really tell.

He finally looks up at you. You let out a sigh, thankful that he's still there, but you're still worried as he still looks upset at something.
Maybe you could help? Or maybe, just get some alone time to talk to him...

You lick your lips, just catching your gum from slipping down your throat as you gulp a little nervously. You cinch your bag strap tighter on your shoulder.
"André, do you wanna... talk to me alone? It might help whatever you're in a huff about."

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