Me Needs The Bibble Pt. 3 (Cat Valentine Oneshot)

978 19 8

The thrilling conclusion to the story requested by CadeShipper - Cat is addicted to Bibble and you try to stop her, whilst now also trying to stop Sinjin who is more addicted to Bibble than she is!

You sit on the cold floor up against a cold pipe, being cold-hearted yourself as you sit next to Cat Valentine - the whole reason you were fooled and tied up by a teenager. How low you have sunk. It was that Bibble: you couldn't focus after you saw it up close.

Cat's still crying out for anyone to help rescue you both. You sigh; if nobody has come by now, they never are, and it's not helping that you're starting to remember Oliver shouting in the same way when you were admitting him to rehab.
"SHUT UP CAT!" you finally explode; her bottom lip starts to wobble and you're immediately worried.
"I'm sorry Cat, I didn't mean it, I'm just cranky because some kid tricked me into being tied up, okay?"

"No," she replies between mournful gasps, "I am being very annoying. Some people say I have this irritating high grating voice - can you hear it? I can't."
You hesitate, then lie, "No, I can't hear it. Your voice sounds like a sweet little bird's."
Cat smiles at you gratefully, then shifts herself so she's facing you.
"So," she begins, "we probably have a few hours until the janitor shows up after school. We might as well chat! Why did you take my assignment?"

You hesitate again. Cat picks up on it, and shifts closer.
You consider making something up to avoid hurting her feelings again, but as you picture Oliver's wild, desperate face you know you have to tell her for her own sake.

You sigh.
"I used to have this friend at my work. Oliver - he was the coolest friend ever: we'd play with Nerf guns, shooting everyone in the office; laugh at silly jokes all day; help each other in cases we were worried about. But then... he got a job protecting someone against Bibble."
She gasps, and you know she knows it's her.
"Now, Oliver was already a recovering Bibble-aholic, and he had quite a weak mind when it came to the snack, and this person he was assigned to had a very strong personality."
Her eyebrows pull down, and you gulp.
"She ate so much Bibble that it made Oliver start eating it again. And then, he just ate more and more, and nobody could stop him: he ate it for breakfast, he ate it for lunch, he ate it for dinner; he even ate it whilst playing tennis with his father-in-law. He was addicted again, even worse than last time, until there was no choice but for me and his family to... to decide... to decide to... put him into rehab."

Cat gasps again, and solemnly you nod. A single tear squeezes out of your eye, and you can't even muster up the energy to force it back into its socket.
You slump against the pipe and think about Oliver. That poor man, in rehab right now, screaming out for just one more bite of the tasty English snack. He can never have it again - and if you never want to be re-admitted, neither can you.

"I'm sorry about Oliver," you hear next to you, and you turn your head and see Cat in the same slumped position. "I didn't think my Bibble actions would have consequences, much less to others. Is he okay now?" she asks, looking up at you hopefully, but sadly you shake your head and her eyes drop again.
"He's still in rehab. His husband is so worried: he goes to the place every visiting day and gives him a basket of his favourite foods other than Bibble. We at home are all just praying he'll be all right in the end, but we don't know when that end will be."

Cat looks at you again, this time with a new light in her brown eyes.
"Well, from now on I promise to try my best not to eat Bibble. I feel really really guilty about Oliver, and I don't want that to happen to me, because they sometimes already do that to my brother, and from what he screams about at night it's not fun."
You raise an eyebrow at the brother part, but smile bravely at her new vow. "You think you can do it?" you ask, no stranger to falling victim to Bibble yourself, and she looks concerned but nods firmly.
"Yes, I think I can, with the right people helping me. You'll help me, right?"
I nod, and she smiles and carries on.
"Anyway, it's not like I have this razor-sharp willpower, that's why you're here!"

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