Betrayers (Beck X Reader Oneshot)

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One of two oneshots requested by @itslinduhhh about you and your (taken) crush Beck having an argument. Let's see what tensions mount... 😳

I stamp across the stage, my arms crossed and my temper boiling. Behind me Beck throws his arms up in the air and shouts,
"I don't care if it's your 'artistic interpretation,' it's never been in any Shakespeare play or movie that Macbeth murders King Duncan in a dance battle!"

"The original scripts have all lost their copyright license!" I yell back from the opposite side of the stage, retaining my opinion and not wavering even when he runs a hand through his wavy brown hair and makes a tingle run though my body all the way to my toes. Stop curling, you toes! I have a fight to win!

Beck points at the script in his hand. "But it doesn't make sense in the script!"
I sign in frustration, and throw my own script down. He's not even listening!
"The script has no copyright, Beck! We can make it so that dance battle murder works! God, why can't you ever take a risk in acting?!"

"Because I actually take it seriously, unlike you!" he snaps, turning his back on me, and I find that so angering that I storm right up to him and force him to look to me. My fingers dig like claws into his shoulders so he can't turn away; his dented skin beneath my fingers briefly cause me to envision it being scratched as I cling on for dear life against him, but I blink it out of my mind for the greater good.

"How dare you insult my acting skills and values! Just because I have more original and unique points of view than you and your boring Stanislavski, doesn't mean you can insult me right to my face!"
"I didn't say it to your face, I said it across the stage!" he retorts childishly, and struggles to get out of my grip. He tries to shake me off by placing his hands around my wrists and pushing, but I don't budge. I am not giving into him, no matter how much I can feel his pulse beat faster against mine until I can't differentiate the two.

He leans in closer to my face, his peppermint aftershave wafting into my nostrils.
"Never. Insult. Stanislavski. Again. Do you hear me?" he says coldly, in a stony voice I've never heard from him before and frankly, turns me on a little. That is not the point right now, Y/N! Come on, win your battle!

Fingers still digging into his skin I lean in closer, until our noses are almost touching, and hiss:
"Oh, I shall insult him again. Just to spite you and your traditional acting views. Watch. My lips."

And despite visibly fighting it he looks at my lips, and I whisper venemously:

"Brecht. Is. Better."

Beck doesn't move from our extremely close position but starts to breathe heavily, still staring at my lips. I start to breathe the same, so ridiculously turned on I don't know what to do.

Suddenly, he snarls in my face:
"Oh, screw it!"

And then he crashes his lips onto mine.

I'm shocked at his wantoness towards making out with not his girlfriend, but my instincts soon overtake my brain and I respond by sticking my tongue in his mouth and taking my hands off his shoulders to instead wrap round his neck tightly. He doesn't retract his lips, just walks us backwards until we hit the desk onstage we were using for Lady Macbeth.

He turns us then pushes me onto the desk, and I sit then lean back as I pull him onto the table as well. He still doesn't pull back, and I'm too into it to stop and think about the play, about where we are in the open school, about Jade, about my partner - don't think about anything other than how Beck feels against my lips, my skin, my...


Me and Beck both stop in the middle of putting our hands down each other's tops, and look up to see the door open and both our partners looking on in horror.

My eyes widen. Oh no.

My partner doesn't say anything, just runs out the door, and I go to run after them but am stopped by Jade taking a running punch at me.
Beck looks on in shock as he is promptly shoved out the way for me and Jade to fight.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?! YOU BITCH! HOW DID I EVER CONSIDER YOU AS A FRIEND?!" she bellows with tears in her eyes as she pummels me, and I weakly try to put my hands up to defend myself.

I can hear Beck say, "Babe, I'm sorry, it was my fault, okay?" but I know she can't hear and continues to punch me, and I just lay there until my partner comes back with Lane to restrain her kicking and screaming.
I stand up, limping slightly, and instinctively Beck goes to me to see if I'm okay. Jade screams,

She gives one final banshee screech before Lane finally drags her outside, and shouts through the door to me, Beck and my partner, "In my office, now!"
We three look at each other with varying faces of hurt and guilt.

I try to apologise, but they turn their head away and start walking. I turn to Beck, and he pats me on the back.
"Sorry I went for you," he offers quietly, and I reply, "Sorry I reacted the exact way I shouldn't've."
He shrugs sorrowfully, and the both of us begin to walk to Lane's office. We walk a set distance away from each other, reality now setting in.

We did such a stupid thing today. You should never even think of giving into your feelings when you're still with someone whom you don't have feelings for anymore. Next time, I'll just move to Mexico to avoid the entire thing.

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