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André: André is one of the most admired people in your school, because he expresses all of his emotions without any reservations. As his girlfriend you have supported him through many of these emotional peaks; one of these days you come home to your newly rented apartment and rush over with concern to your boyfriend who's crying in the corner. You hold him as he cries with abandon and you ask what's wrong, he takes big gulps between sobs and tells you that he thinks he blew a really big chance with a producer to make his debut album. As you put your arms round him and slowly guide him to your bed where he can sleep after crying like he normally does, you reassure him that there are other chances and that the producer is missing out, and like every other time you tell him that he denies it and argues that this producer is different. You make him look you in the eye and match his breaths with yours, then say with the most conviction you can muster the truth that soon he will find the right producer that won't exploit or demean him, then kiss him gently. As he kisses you back he gradually slows down his breathing and stops crying until you feel his lips slowly detach and you catch his head before it falls onto the headboard. He's fallen asleep. You gently rearrange his body so he's comfortable on the bed and you pull the cover up to his shoulders, kiss his forehead then get up and start pacing around you apartment cleaning up his tissues. You believe in him and his passion and his dream, and he knows that, and until he realises it it's you and him against the industry.

Tori: one day in school you turn a corner and hear shuffling from the utility closet, so you open the door and again see Tori quietly crying. You roll your eyes inwardly and clear your throat, and Tori looks up at you like a deer in headlights. You sigh and lean down and ask what's wrong, and she tells you that Sikowitz's substitute teacher - he was off ill this week - is cracking down really hard on her. Outwardly you comfort her with the usual soothing noises, but inside you think that it's because she doesn't really put enough passion into her acting work. Though of course you can never tell her this; it would break down your friendship. But... she's gotta know... right?

Jade: in a fit of anger Jade dumps you like a whirlwind because you tell her she's never shown any vulnerability or emotion toward you - which is fair, but Jade freaks and instead kicks over a high stack of chairs and insists that you're over. The same night, however, she knocks on the door of your parents' house and after politely making small talk with your parents she tells you quietly that how she acted she realises was not how to deal with that situation, and slowly she begins to cry. You were genuinely shocked - you didn't know how to respond so just awkwardly patted her on the back as she for the first time let out any emotion that wasn't anger to you. After she's finished sobbing quite loudly, making you consider how long she's actually been holding this in, she weakly asks if you'll take her back and you tell her she never left in your eyes. At this point she looks up at you showing a hint of gratitude, and you feel surprised - and ask her unabashedly why she hides all of these deep and complex emotions under anger. Composure finally regained, Jade lays a hand on your thigh and promises to tell you another day, and that's all the trust and emotion you need. You both lay down on your bed and spoon for a while until your parents come snooping around, but for that brief moment you feel you've experienced your girlfriend for the first time in the three months you've been together.

Cat: throughout Sikowitz's class you've heard this low snuffly noise which has really been distracting you, so when it's lunch you tell the gang you'll catch them up and search for the noise until you open the cupboard door and find Cat crouched inside next to a pile of masks sobbing. Shocked to see your best friend so sad you kneel down to her level and ask her what's wrong, and she flings her arms round your neck and sobs out that Robbie has been defending Rex whenever the puppet has said anything about Cat and Robbie's slowly growing relationship. You begin to feel really angry about this: for God's sake, it's a puppet! Whatever it says is conveying something in Robbie's head and it's always something offensive that hurts Cat's feelings! You pull her up gently, then turn and walk with her in a very different almost scary way out of the class and up to Robbie who is at his locker. With Rex on his arm. You stop on front of him and demand to know why he lets a puppet say stuff to his sensitive new girlfriend who is still crying. Robbie looks crestfallen with guilt; he tries to argue that it's not his fault until you've officially had enough, let go of Cat, grab Rex and throw him into a nearby bin, shocking everybody around you. Everybody knows that Robbie clearly has issues that he deals with by using a puppet, but you simply couldn't take the grief anymore. You turn your head slowly to stare at all the people surrounding you silent with their mouths open, then settle your eyes on Cat and Robbie - they're holding hands and they both look innocently surprised and a little offended. You don't know what to do, so you shout to the crowd that they all secretly wanted to do it too only it was you who had the guts and flouce off to the hidden space in the main stage room, where Beck finds you an hour later from looking everywhere else crying your eyes out this time. You'd really messed up now.

Beck: sometimes you feel like because you're reputed throughout the school as the strong professional one, Beck is the only one that you can fully be yourself around. One day he finds you in the middle of a stage surrounded by tissues and stage makeup to make it look to a normal student that you were rehearsing a solo act, and he offers you a hug. That's all - just a hug. He never says anything, he never asks anything, he just holds you and listens to your unintelligible ramblings between racking sobs. Then, when you've finished and calmed down a little, he picks you up and takes you to the nurses office and stays with you until you feel ready to go outside and hold up your reputation. It's a pretty solid method, can't dispute.

Robbie: even though out of all your friends Robbie was the least manly, he knew how to confidently express his emotions and that was more than can be said than a lot of the men here at Hollywood Arts. No doubt about it he'd learned off of André. Although he chooses very odd places to cry, for example the ice rink one December when he fell on the ice and cried that Rex wasn't there to laugh at him and that made him uncomfortable; or that time Cat said that in the middle of a makeout session he started crying as it meant so much to him after so much time which really freaked her out but he didn't realise as Rex wasn't there to point it out to him. At the point where you and the gang found him crying in the arts cupboard down the hall that he'd been sent to collect supplies from you collectively decide to hide Rex away from him and book him a session with the school counsellor Lane. As you hide Rex in Sikowitz's staff locker which was unsurprisingly full of coconuts you all  usher Robbie into Lane's room where you all sit holding pieces of paper explaining why you're doing this - yes, you basically hold an intervention as to why your bespectacled friend cries whenever he's without his offensive puppet to chew him out over anything. As he sits down you chew a thumbnail. How is this going to go? Well, long story short he cries in it.

Have you guys figured out that my favourite character is André yet? Please tell me what your favourite character in Victorious is, I wanna know! And thanks so much for helping me hit my first 500 reads! Please come back to read all of my work and suggest me writing some of your ideas as well! 🥳

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