The Bad Girl Style (Jade West Oneshot)

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Dedicated to @Merrelltwinner101 - I'm sorry it took so damn long, a lot's been happening 😁

Angry yet sensitive, beautiful and talented, before you came to Hollywood Arts you had already heard so much about Jade West.

"I heard her house is insured for $ because there always runs a risk of her throwing a major fit and ruining the place beyond repair."

"I hear she does scissors modelling. In the Warner Bros Studios."

"Her favourite movie is The Scissoring."

"One time, she met Jennifer Aniston on a plane. And Jennifer called her cute - so she punched her. It was awesome."

Her name seemed to be everywhere - at least where you live, which was in an apartment in the grounds of where your mother worked, Paramount Studios. So when the time came to graduate and go to the same school she goes to, you were a little nervous to meet her but on the whole you knew how some actors were so you knew how to handle it.

On your first day the students rushed past you in the hallways and almost fully ignored you in classes; you felt your anxiety build up and you started to pull out small strands of your hair, which you swore you wouldn't resort to again.

It looked like being the (daughter/son) of a high-profile director wouldn't help at all in your popularity.

At lunch you wandered about in the courtyard, buying some food from a quite shouty man in a truck and eating it delicately whilst walking around trying to make it look like you weren't completely alone.
And then...

"Is something bothering you?!"

The voice seems to come from somewhere in front of you, so you shake your head to focus properly and see Jade West sitting at the table in front of you with a group of people who looked worried as to what she would say next.

"Oh, uh, hi, I'm Y/N."

Jade blinks slowly and shrugs. "Am I supposed to know you?"

I shake my head, watching her raise an eyebrow and look me up and down, then look across at a pretty boy with long hair looking at me and elbow him roughly whilst frowning at him.

Right, the bad girl style: there's angry, and just there was sensitive.
And you can tell she's beautiful just by looking at her.

You can see where all the rumours come from - she certainly seems like she would revel in the news spread about her; real or fake, good or bad, she seems like she would be able to put a powerful spin on anything.

A dark-skinned boy with a round face and a warm grin shakes her head and gestures for you to sit down. Everybody checks with Jade to see if this is okay, then when she nods slightly as if she were already bored you slide onto the space on the bench next to a redheaded girl who is bobbing her head to imaginary music whilst smiling at her fries.

Jade leans over the long-haired boy and regards you, hand propping up her chin.
"Why haven't I seen you before? New kid?"

Your hand immediately goes up to the back of your head, fingers searching for a strand of hair to hold onto for reassurance. Fingers crossed she likes you. If Jade doesn't like you you're screwed, you've heard.

"Yeah. Because of my mother's job I was homeschooled for the most part, until a couple years ago."

"Wait, you were homeschooled?" a boy with glasses and an oddly large puppet resting on his hand asks, and you nod. "Why? Is your mom a teacher?"

You shake your head, then say what might get you into this group.
"No, she works as a director at Paramount, and I used to have teachers paid to come over and teach in case I was, I dunno, mauled at by fans of my mom's work."

The round-faced boy leans over onto the table too. "What kind of films has she done?"

Your face now turns red as you turn your gaze to Jade and say in a low voice:

"The Scissoring."

Jade's mouth falls open, utterly speechless. Everybody else on the table stares at you in awe, even the redhead.

You open your mouth again, "Also Mean Girls and The Conjuring." (Idk who directed them, just pretend your mother did)

The last girl on the end of the table with straight brown hair claps her hand over her mouth.

"No way!"

You nod shyly.

Jade leans across everybody on the table to the response of yells and grabs your arm. You gasp a little, worried she may pull the scissors on you.

"You've got to let me meet your mom, Y/N! I need to talk to her so much about The Scissoring and I've got to convince her to direct a sequel, and make me the lead! I'm able to do the role, I can already act like a murderer!"

She lets go of you and immediately jumps on the table, almost defying the laws of gravity. She shouts at everyone to shut up, then asks,

"Hey! Does everyone here think I should play the role of a serial killer?!"

Everybody nods and murmurs in agreement. Your eyes are wide open; what just happened?

Well, you think, at least in the vocal acting aspect Jade West is one of the most talented bad girls out there!

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