The Ride Home

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Robbie: if there's only one thing you'd be allowed to say is odd about your friend, it's that Robbie has a driving license yet refuses to travel anyhow else than cycling in something that resembles an old travelling flower stall. You keep whining on to him about getting a car but still he says that cycling is far safer. You counter that it may be so, but at least you'd get places on time. He still doesn't listen so instead every day you hitch a lift with Sinjin, who lives close to you but due to an incident where Jade found him using her laptop in her house you pretend to live a block away instead. You figured you'd feel less uncomfortable him not knowing where you lived.

Cat: under no circumstances do you trust Cat with your life behind the wheel. Last time you two went on a walk through the park she saw a squirrel then shoved you to the grass in aid of chasing it to try and hug it.

Jade: when she drops you off home or you decide to have a sleepover  the entire ride home you and Jade just talk shit about all the students at Hollywood Arts. You spill tea on what you saw Sinjin doing the other day at lunch, she tells you that Charlie from AV keeps messing up in multimedia shows specifically, and most importantly you bond over talking about how annoying Tori is.

Tori: you and Tori always have to get lifts from Tori's big sister Trina. Even before you met her you'd already heard a lot about Trina, so when the talentless student immodestly offers you a lift you weakly say yes, not wanting to because of her renowned road rage and oddities but not wanting to turn the offer down because of her renowned general rage and how much you feel for Tori being with her sister twice a day. On the first day Trina picks you up, she starts clipping her toenails as she's driving and you share a look with Tori apologising for what she has to put up with.

André: every day your boyfriend André takes you home; it's chill, you two talking about what had happened that day and laughing at each other's jokes... and then André's grandma suddenly pops up and starts yelling in paranoia. Neither of you know or understand how she gets there as she normally isn't in the car the ride to school and André's car has been parked at school all day, but nevertheless she's always somehow mysteriously there. When she pops up you two have to sit in awkward silence at the front of the car whilst his grandma in the back yells at everything, and whenever you and André get close or even just hold hands she slaps you both on the arms and tells André that no grandson of hers is gonna hold hands until he's married. André promises that soon he'll figure out how she's always hiding there, but you still haven't found the hidey spot...

Beck: after hitching a rather weird lift home with each of your new friends, it was a relief when you got into Beck's pickup and there were no people lurking in the backseat or odd music blaring from ancient speakers or constant jabbering about nothing. It was a very normal ride. In fact, you started to get creeped out by the fact it was so quiet and normal, and so when Beck arrives at your home you thank him but add that you'll probably just go back to Trina and Tori because of how familiar their sisterly arguments are.

Guys we are so close to 1000 reads! Thank you to everyone who keeps reading these, and if you comment with topics and specific imagines that would be so lovely! 😘

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