Happy New Years Y'all!

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Happy New Years everybody! This is my last chapter in the Christmas/Holidays saga, so next chapter will be your regularly scheduled Victorious Preferences; these preferences all take place at the same New Years party you and each of the gang go to. Please comment what you about my holiday chapters, and suggest any other holidays I can write about! 🍾

Beck: everybody crowds round the TV, counting down to the new year; you on the other hand are on the opposite side of the room, awaiting nervously for the erupting noise. You've always had a phobia of loud noise: it made it sometimes impossible to concentrate in classes and annoys Jade a lot as she is a naturally loud person. At about a minute to go, Beck notices you sitting alone on the steps to the rooms and so walks up and asks what's up. You only have to say 'it's gonna be loud in a minute' and in and instant he gets up and brings over a weighted blanket for you to wrap round your head and ears and shoulders, and leads you slowly outside. He disappears inside momentarily then returns with a cool glass of water, and while you sip it you hear through the closed door the last five seconds of the countdown. You lean against Beck as the new year rings in, and flinch into his chest at the noise. He wraps the blanket extra tightly round you until only your eyes are seen and pulls you into a tighter embrace leaning away from the front door. You smile gratefully, knowing that Beck was a true friend.

Tori: Tori, being the ever desperate-to-be-liked girl that she is, decides to throw a New Years party and invite everyone from Hollywood Arts - and, due to lack of any planned events at that time, you found yourself at that party. In the middle of the throng chatting to Robbie about what his baby bottle lids on his locker means analytically, Tori bounds up to you and you inwardly grimace, but listen painfully to her awkward ramblings. After a while she notices that you aren't happy and so asks Robbie to leave you two alone for a while, and when he walks away trying to get Rex to stop hitting on girls she demands to know why you don't like her with a hurt look on her face. You actually start now to feel a little sorry for her, seeing as she doesn't really have many friends here yet at Hollywood Arts and she feels she has to resort to 'cool kid' stuff to impress people, so you explain to her that she tries too hard. And then you tell her that if she let herself truly show she would be more liked as she wouldn't be comparing herself to all these people, and you see Tori gradually peeled away to become real Tori - and somehow, real Tori incredibly turns you on. Quick as lightning you take the chance to take Tori in your arms and kiss her directly and passionately, and surprisingly she does the same. The rest of the people here fade into a blur of noises as you make out in the middle of that room for what feels like ages, but when Robbie taps you on the shoulder and asks if he can join the chat now you both realise that it's only been a couple minutes, and that Robbie is incredibly lonely.

Robbie: you watch Robbie walk away with Rex drooping on his hand from Tori and her new kissing buddy, and feel immensely guilty. Wasn't your New Years resolution to actually ask out the boy of your dreams that you had secretly been crushing on for months? You glance at the clock that reads 11:58, then take a big gulp and stride falsely confidently toward him. The bespectacled boy blinks wildly as you go up to him, actually a sign that he secretly has a crush on you too, and as he opens his mouth to talk you put a finger over his mouth and hush him. You then start talking, very directly, about your crush and how you're going to deal with it, which you drag out til a few seconds before the New Years ring out so you can show him how by wrapping your arms round his neck and pulling him in to land a huge kiss on his soft lips. His eyes widen while yours are closed, but soon he closes his eyes too and deepens the kiss with his arms round your waist. You know now for sure that your crush likes you back - maybe your new New Years resolution will be a date next week?

Cat: when you arrive at Tori's New Years party alone you struggle to start or enter any conversations, until you walk to the bottom of the steps in her house and spot Cat chatting nineteen to the dozen with another student who looks like they really don't want to be there. You gently create a diversion to get Cat away from them by telling her they've got Bibble near the enigmatic Hollywood Arts Power Couple in the kitchen, and she jumps up and rushes to the kitchen. She leaps to the buffet table Tori had so meticulously laid out, then stops dead as she realises there is no Bibble. As the Hollywood Arts Couple narrate this realisation for some reason, you gently steer Cat away from the food and push her through the glass doors which have been slightly opened. You sit her down on the bench there next to a pot plant and promise her that to make up for it you will go out and buy her Bibble from the nearby shop in time for the New Year, and still in a trance the redhead spacily agrees. You ride your bike to the local store and buy a huge bag of Bibble then bring it back, and as you lug it through the front door Cat yelps from way across the room and straight knocks people down in her run to get to the coloured popcorn. She pulls you away from Beck who's trying to get out the door with someone, grabs it out of your hands and starts eating it viciously, and from behind her you see Jade with her hands on her hips, her girlfriend beside her. She scolds you thoroughly for giving Cat Bibble, but doesn't actually tell you what for as the thirty second countdown to the New Year starts and she drags her partner off. You look at Cat eating Bibble ferociously and start to panic - this definitely isn't the amount of Bibble you're supposed to eat in one sitting? But... you're kind of scared that if you go near she will bite your hand off, so you eventually shrug and go to the TV and leave her to it.

Jade: Jade insists you two arrive late to Tori's party, as she hates her. Unfortunately, for you but certainly not for Jade, due to traffic you arrive around a minute before the New Year. Everybody is already crowded round the TV counting down, so no opportunities for slipping into the throng, and the ones who weren't round were either kissing or talking privately with each other, or guiding people out of the room like Beck was to a student you hadn't noticed before. You wander for a bit looking longingly at crowd when Jade drags you to the door where Beck is gently nudging with a glass of water past someone who had accidentally gotten Cat a huge pack of Bibble. Naturally Jade starts to remonstrate the person, but then she hears the thirty second mark and pulls you near the group with a devilish smirk on her face. You smile, confused, and you both count down to the New Year; on the dot Jade pulls you into a hard and passionate kiss taking you totally by surprise. A good surprise though. Very good...

André: you and André in the kitchen 'aww' at the sight of Robbie walking away sadly from Tori and what looks like her new partner, and then André nudges you and points out where the person who's had a crush on Robbie for months now starts walking toward him. You and him have been keen observers of this entire party since you arrived here as the Hollywood Arts Power Couple, and have been keeping each other entertained by jokingly commentating on each thing you both see, interrupted by cuddles and kisses of course. You then turn André's head to look at the front door where Beck is gently leading one of your friends outside - you remind him that they have trouble with loud noise and he nods understandingly. Finally at 11:59 you take his hand and walk in front of him, staring into his deep brown eyes and smiling at your lovely gorgeous boyfriend. He tells you he's the happiest guy to be going out with the most compassionate and fiery and talented person at Hollywood Arts, and as the New Year rings in and Beck gets his chest nuzzled by a scared friend and Tori gets kissed by her new interest and Cat scoffs Bibble animalistically and Jade dominates her partner's mouth, you two kiss softly and lovingly to the yells of 'Happy New Year!' Slowly your lips pull apart, and he pulls you into his arms and shouts 'Happy New Year' to the students in the room, then whispers in your ear that he hopes with every keyboard he's ever used that you two are in the same place next New Years - and before you kiss him smiling again, you reply that you hope it won't be a shitty party they attend next New Years.

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