Bad Day?

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Question time! What is your fave chapter so far, and if you really wanna be specific which preference from that chapter? Comment here and you may get a continuation...

Tori: whenever Tori has a bad day you put your hoodie on over her and let her cuddle up to you. Since you're bigger than her the material is perfectly oversized, and it's like a huge hug inside of the even huger hug you give her as you lie on the couch watching cartoons.

Jade: when you have a particularly bad day you can usually be found folded inside your wide bottom locker at school in breaks, not wanting to talk to anyone. Anyone that is, apart from Jade - she somehow manages to coax you out with surprisingly soft words of encouragement, and if she fails in that she simply crawls in as much as she can and sits next to you whilst you generally cry or shout it out.

Robbie: Robbie doesn't call you on bad days - he normally gets his mother or Cat to call him, because they understand him better - but one night you get a call from him and answer to only hear messy sobs. You ask if he's okay and he wails down the line that he had a horrible day with you off being sick and then he ate cheese before night time making him have a nightmare about losing you as a friend. You blink - that was such a mouthful! You are swift to reassure him that no matter what you will always be his friend, which seems to calm him down because after he speaks in a less frantic tone and after a couple more lines he hangs up and goes to sleep. Phew, you think, disastrous situation averted! And anyway, you'll be back tomorrow, so there's nothing to worry about.

André: as André is your ex but also your friend still, he knows everything about your new boyfriend - albeit grudgingly. And he always holds your new boyfriend to his standard, so anytime you have a bad day and your boyfriend isn't around for some reason, André always comments on it and goes off in search for him. One day when you're having an especially bad day because you hadn't got the main part in the production of Grease, André can't see your boyfriend anywhere in the canteen or outside in the lunch area, so wanders about after giving you a cuddle and some snarky words about your man until he sees a car looking exactly like your boyfriend's car emitting very loud gutteral animalistic noises around the corner of the school. Looks like your day just went from bad to worse - and André's went from good to un-freaking-believable.

Cat: Cat never has bad days, just bad couple of minutes. Which is fine by you - you don't mind her dramatic mood swings but rather find it endearing; whenever she starts to get sad or angry or any unhappy emotion you rootle around in your bag until you find some sort of calming toy or picture for her to use or look at until she's completely fine. Of course, sometimes you're not there when she feels any negative emotion, and weird things happen - take the Cow-Wow, for instance, where she tried to seduce Robbie by making him jealous of Sinjin then got kicked in the face, kissed by Robbie, and ran away.

Beck: Beck lost all the money he had just earned from working at his new job in a gambling game with a bunch of burly Canadian dudes you had begged him not to enter. Sitting beside him you smack your head against your palm as you watch your friend's last five dollars be snatched out of his slack grip. Afterwards, you are both kicked out for not having any more money and you scold him for doing something so un-him and stupid, and he fires back with the fact that they used to be schoolfriends. You throw your hands up in the air, exclaim that this tiny history doesn't make the fact he lost $130 suddenly okay, and walk away from him into the night and to a near motel which you can rent with your own money. Beck sighs, kicking an empty can across the sidewalk: penniless and girlfriend-less for the night, what else could go worse?

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