Book Recommendations

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These are books each member of the gang love and press you to read them almost every day. These are all good reads, so try them yourself!

Jade: Anna Dressed In Blood. A book about a young ghost-killer sent to kill a demon, but instead falls in love with her. Full of curses, death, gore... everything Jade loves! Almost every time you sit down next to her she tells you about this book, so one day you give in and read it. It's actually pretty good - really good, in fact. Maybe you should listen to your friend's recommendations more often.

André: Book Of Lies. Boy is up at lunch reading it with total immersion; he doesn't even look up when someone brings a keyboard over. His avid eyes can't read it fast enough, and when he puts it down he just takes a really big breath and says, 'I did not see that coming.' You ask if you can read it and he agrees, so passes it to you... and you are immediately sucked into it.

Beck: Gone Girl. A rollercoaster of a book with twists and turns galore. It takes Beck two days to read, with his jaw dropped open at many points, and after he finishes the whole thing he closes the book slowly and starts breathing like he's forgotten how to. From that day on, he says that no other book has ever had that much impact on him. You can see how clearly it changes him to the point where you actually borrow his copy and read it for yourself. At the exact same points his jaw dropped, yours do too, and from then on no other book has ever had this much impact on you.

Tori: Five Feet Apart. She found out about the book from the movie adaptation trailers, and once she read it, it was lodged in her heart like all the other YA books about life-threatening illnesses - The Fault In Our Stars, Everything Everything and so on, so forth. Using her brilliant talent for nagging, she gets you to read it one day and you actually get into it; it's really good, filled with drama and romance and developed relationships. Huh - you didn't think you would like whatever Tori likes, and here you are.

Robbie: The Perks Of Being A Wallflower. Robbie originally picked this up because he thought it might soothe his multiple anxieties about being a wallflower himself, but when he got interested in it he soon was begging you to read it so he could have someone to discuss its themes and undertones. You have to admit, discussing each character's underlying crises and development with him is actually pretty diverting.

Cat: The Chocolate Box Girls series. A cute collection of books centred around five sisters and their journeys. Cat loves them and reads them avidly, babbling about them enthusiastically at lunch when she's allowed to read after eating. The books actually are really lovely, and all different. You know this, because you've been coerced into reading them with her all the time now.

One more chapter to go! Are you all excited? It's called Their Perfect Endings and illustrate what I think each character would be doing after the series ended, plus my last little personal sendoff to all of you 💞

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