A Series Of Firsts

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An invigorating mix of fluff and smut, depends on the character. Please forgive me if I portray any aspects of the ~smuttier~ aspects wrong as I have never written smut before.

Robbie: Robbie was scared to ask you out in the first place, so when you two went on your first date he was terrified. You go to Inside Out Burger because neither of you have enough money to go to a proper restaurant; you sit next to each other in a corner booth and eat in awkward silence, the two of you occasionally stealing looks at each other, until you throw down your fork and demand to know why he wasn't being a very good date. He drops his cutlery and stutters I'm dismay for a while - even trying to summon Rex, though you had asked and he had obeyed for him to be left at home so his racist behaviour wouldn't threaten your first date - until he whispers in your ear that he's embarrassed this is his first proper date with a proper girl. Of course, the Northridge girls don't count because they're not proper. You immediately change your tone from accusatory to gentle and you reassure him that it's okay, that everybody has their first dates at different ages, his just happens to be at 17 years old, and you're okay with that! He nods nervously and apologises for being so weird, and you smile and tell him it's okay, which sets off the element of conversation that goes right into dessert which you share together. At the end of the date he cycles you home, you clinging to the seat because he's scared that it's dark and so peddles even faster, and at your door he lingers before you ask him if he wants to kiss you. He readily agrees and leans in to kiss you carefully, and even though his tongue was slightly more washing-machine-like than you would have hoped, it was a lovely moment that you hoped would happen again. Very soon.

Cat: first time meeting her family. Cat has always remarked oddly upon her family, especially her brother, but out of all her friends you were the first one to meet any of them. After school you walked to hers and Cat opened the door calling to the people inside, and as you walked inside the kitchen you saw Cat's mother baking something that smelled good... but you had never seen ingredients mixed in together like that before. A couple minutes after you hear the door open and shut and in comes Cat's father wearing a clown's outfit and a smart suitcase with a doctor's coat shrugged over his shoulders. Cat runs to him and they embrace as you wonder which of the apparent three professions exhibited here Mr. Valentine actually does. With a loud groan, finally you are graced with the presence of Cat's brother when he enters the room to check on dinner. Your eyes widen as you see him, and it now clicks as to why Cat says she's the sane one.

André: the first time. *the smutty one* Both of you have had sex before, as you're both attractive people, but the first time you decide to do it with each other you put together a little environment to set the mood. You convince André's grandma to sleep over at a friend from bingo's house - gradually over the months you and André had taken slow steps to rekindling her with the world - and, when André enters the house wearing a tux that he had previously changed into at Hollywood Arts, you present him with the front room darkly lit with real-looking fake candles and the soft sound of Tom Jones playing on your Pearpod; and, of course, you're lounging on the couch wearing a deep red spangled dress you had previously worn for a showcase that André had commented on saying you looked mucho sexy in. André ignored the mood lighting and only stared at you, dropping everything and running to the couch where you start kissing passionately. You press against each other and start exploring each other's bodies, slowly peeling each other's clothes off as soon as the other agreed to do it. When you had gotten everything off except your underwear, the two of you scan over every bit of the other - you bite your lips and André licks his, liking what he sees. Then suddenly, without warning André picks you up bridal style and strides toward the bedroom, you squealing delightedly in his arms. As soon as he tips you onto the bed you pull him in by his tie and your lips and bodies crash into each other. After a lot of exciting foreplay, you both know it's time. André gently rolls you over so you're comfortably placed against his sheets with him over you, but still your equal - always your equal, that's why your love is so strong. Afterwards, while your breathing is still normalizing, much like his, you see André taking off the condom and putting it in the trash. He did very good - you too! You lightly slap his sweaty shoulder and he rolls backwards into your curled up body on the bed, the both of you practically sticking together by the moisture on your skin. You sigh happily and André turns his head to you. He grins cheekily at you and pulls you into a spoon, and you both soon fall into a deep sleep holding each other - but not before you both go pee!

Tori: you were picked to sing together for the first time for one of the term parties, the genre being period times. The first time you sing with Tori, you find it annoying that she keeps jumping on tables while singing and so afterwards pull her aside and ask her to please never sing or dance on tables again. She asks why, to which you stare at her because it's obvious that you shouldn't jump on stranger's tables at any time, and when you tell her after a full minute of her not understanding she gasps dramatically and tells you mot to meddle in her style of performance, to which you respond with the fact that it's a health and safety violation. The argument goes back and forth for a while, and it looks like you're winning until you both pause and look at each other, then lean forward and start kissing quickly and sloppily. Your hands go up in her hair and her hands go down to circle you waist, and it looks like you may get to second base with your singing partner until you hear someone approaching and you both separate to André coming round the corner to remind you that you have a song with him in a minute. You give him the awkward thumbs up and tell him you'll be there in a sec, and you and Tori watch him ascend the stairs until he's out of earshot and you regard each other blankly. Neither of you say anything, so you start walking up the stairs to André, leaving a confused Tori pondering her sexuality.

Jade: not her first time, but yours. Obviously she had already done it regularly with Beck when they used to be together, but you had never done it with anyone before. When you felt ready to go all the way with Jade you spoke to her privately beforehand about how you were still a virgin, and she was surprisingly calm about it. She didn't say anything else on the matter until one day when her parents were at a wedding for the weekend and she invited you over for the night. It was then you knew what was going to go down - probably you on her, put it that way. You knock on her front door and she opens it with a suggestive smile on her face and wearing a silk bathrobe. She beckons you in and you enthusiastically do so, and what ensued after that cemented your reputation between the two of you as what the straights would call 'a stud.' (I'll let you use your imaginations for the rest of this scenario 😏)

Beck: the first time you go round to his caravan you're really nervous as you thought he would expect sex, which you feel you really aren't ready for. Beck opens the door and you step inside, and as you look round his establishment he hands you a glass of water. Your teeth clink against the rim thinking about if you would be pressured into doing anything. Beck notices and asks what's wrong, and blushing you tell him you thought he'd invited you over for something more than just kissing. He looks shocked to think of even such a thing, and insists that he's a decent man who would always ask permission for anything and never pressure you, and tells you he only invited you to see his place. You breathe a sigh of relief and you start easily talking about what you did in acting class today, laughing with him. When you finish talking you notice that outside it's too dark to get home safely, so Beck offers you his bed while he would sleep in his parents' house. You agree to the bed but demand good-naturedly that the bed would be too cold without his cuddles to sleep in, and so you drift off to sleep with his arms around you, feeling safe and content with how this date went.

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