More Songs

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A few months ago I wrote a chapter about songs you would sing together; this time I'm writing a chapter about the first song that comes to your mind when you think about them! If you don't know some of these songs I do recommend them, they're fantastic, and if you like these kinds of chapters comment that you want more or request specific songs for me to write about 🎶

Jade: You Should See Me In A Crown by Billie Eilish. Jade to you - and basically everyone - is the leader of this school: everybody listens and adheres to her without comment or question; everyone cowers beneath her whenever she takes charge of a production or orders something. There are too many reasons as to why every time you see Jade strutting through the halls of Hollywood Arts with a scowl on her face and a satisfied smirk every time someone runs away from her, you fully believe that someday she is going to run this nothing town, and make them bow one by one.

Robbie: Red Side Of The Moon by Trixie Mattel/Brian Firkus. The majority of the time you sit with your friends you notice that your friend Robbie spends his time sitting next to Cat, the tiny happy-go-lucky redhead that everybody implies is basically a pet. After a couple months you realise through non-verbal actions that they are not in fact together, which you thought was originally the case, but Robbie has the biggest crush on Cat and has yet to properly express his feelings to her. One day after an especially gruesome lunch where your poor friend hints very heavily that he would like to go out with her but Cat doesn't realise it was a hint, you pull Robbie aside and ask impatiently why he hasn't asked her out yet. He shrugs, his crazy bush of curls bouncing a little as he glances over at the girl who is laughing at a spork and tells you that he's sure he'll get up the courage and be sure at some point, but right now school is making him learn that loving's in the patience until she definitely loves him back. You sigh - you never pegged Robbie to be even remotely romantic, but you had to admire his unwavering devotion to knowing that loving her was safer from the red side of the moon.

Beck: Rainbow Connection by Kermit The Frog. Your first sight of Beck Oliver was acting in a Shakespeare play for a Hollywood Arts open day. Ever since you saw his total connection with his character and his magnificent faces, you knew that someday he'll find it - the rainbow connection. The rainbow connection you had heard about before but had never seen it in real life... until Beck. In that one play he had shown that he has what it takes to chase his dream, to find his faith and use it to affect people in the best possible way. This is something he's supposed to be - acting is his destiny.

André: Untouchable by Taylor Swift. The first day of school at Hollywood Arts you accidentally bump into André Harris and to make up for it he lets you hang out with him, and from there you become his friend and he becomes your eventual crush. But because of your unbreakable friendship you're always scared of coming undone if you tell him; you're bursting for him to say that you'll be together, to tell you that he loves you too, but for now he's untouchable like a distant diamond star. Maybe one day your stars will align and you'll both have your little taste of heaven.

Tori: Stupid Girl by Garbage (yes, a real song by a real band). When you first meet Tori she's an alright girl, nice, acts a little the same as most girls but you figure that girls are girls... and then you see her in class, at lunch, around people, and it makes you cringe inwardly. It seems to you that she has no personality, that what little talent she had she wasted. And, as you watch her laugh at joke after joke you wonder if she pretends she's anything just to be adored - after all, you see right in front of you that if she doesn't get laughs she stops talking and if she gets ignored for too long she says anything - you didn't even know her yet but even to you they sounded like a million little lies to sell herself. You wondered why these people didn't see this, then you saw a black haired girl near you chopping flowers with sharp scissors rolling her eyes at Tori. She looks at you and you raise your eyebrows, and she nods silently back at you. You guess she's probably had to put up with this more than you.

Cat: You Got A Friend In Me by Randy Newman. Cat is in love with this song, and by that I mean she makes you listen to it, whenever you go round her house you watch all the films with it in after helping pin her brother down so her parents can give him his special medication - she once made a whole play with only that song in it about the power of friendship. And that's why you now always associate this song with her: you have got a friend in her, and the melody is calm and happy like her, and she sees you as one of her closest friends with your friendship never dying. It's too cute.

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