Lunchtime Snoozles (Robbie X Reader Oneshot)

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Requested by somedumbassweeb - you have a nightmare and Robbie comforts you 🥺

"WAAAAUUUGGHHH!" you scream as you wake up, causing everybody on the table including your boyfriend, Robbie, to look up at you questioningly.

You had had a pretty packed day of driving various members of your family to various places, as you're the only person in your family able to drive, then getting to Hollywood Arts and immediately having to rehearse dance numbers for the Showcase and, on top of all of that, you had been assigned the leader of designing and putting together all the costumes for everyone in the Showcase.

At the start of lunch Robbie begged you with his world-famous puppydog eyes to nap for a bit, so you laid your head down on the table, cushioned by your arms, and instantly nodded off. The rest of the gang started to eat their food and talk about the Showcase and music sheets and whomever they were getting as their Showcase partner, but after a while their voices all faded away and you started to dream.

In the dream, all your friends and family were dead. You don't know how it happened - one minute they were all together in a big field laughing and playing, everybody getting along, a fantastical sight within itself; the next they were all lying on the ground, motionless, with blood pouring super realistically out of them, a horribly gruesome and unexpected sight. When you ran to and picked up Robbie and his head snapped off as if it were never latched on in the first place, that's when you started screaming, in the dream and in real life.

Real non-dream Robbie places a hand on your shoulder and tilts your chin to look at you, and as you remember his lack of dream-head you clutch his real one and shake it about to check it doesn't fall off. It doesn't, but it does succeed in making your boyfriend exclaim in surprise.

"Your head is fine!" you blurt out joyously in shock, then turn to everyone else who is staring at you frozen.
Robbie manages to make his eyes stop spinning and puts his arms round you. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"Well, I was having this dream," you begin, still clutching him just to make sure his head doesn't fall off, "and everyone was all happy and playing in a field, and then all of a sudden you were all dead. Even you, Robbie."

You hug him tighter, which clearly hurts his fragile little bird's body as he makes an incomprehensible small noise of pain, and kiss his lips. He freezes at the display of public affection, as you both hadn't done that with each other yet. His entire face blushes deep red, but he gulps and lies one arm round your shoulder carefully.

After everyone has gone back to their food and their chats, Robbie leans into you and whispers nervously:

"Maybe this means you should stop binge-watching all the seasons of Game Of Thrones now?"

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