Songs You Sing Together

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Just pretend that these are all original songs written by the characters please 😁

Jade: Five Colours In Her Hair. When you're paired together for an upbeat duet in class you remember that once she pulled you aside and cried secretly about how you shouldn't listen to any of the rumours that have been said about her, so you suggest to her writing a song about those rumours. She agrees and you start scouting all the students for the rumours about her to collect - more than once you had to pull her away from a student who had said something to piss her off.

Beck: All I Want For Christmas Is You. One day in early December Beck runs up to you and asks you to help him write a song for a girl he likes in his harmonies class because you have even more skills in wooing the ladies. You agree, and on the last day of term the rest of the gang gather everyone including Beck's crush into the main hall and perform the song to her, you doing the high parts to help him. At the end you see Beck's crush applaud loudly and go to him and Beck smiles sweetly. You pat him on the back and he nods gratefully, and the whole gang walk together to their table in the cafeteria.

André: Hearts Don't Break Around Here. For your third year anniversary André decides to make you your own special song, unawares that you're doing the same. On the night of the anniversary in his car on a grassy verge overlooking the Hollywood sign he gets out his guitar and performs his song for you, and you're delighted but even more so because you tell him that you've brought your guitar too! He asks to hear this song for him so you perform Lover and he loves it, the same you love his song for you. After you put both guitars away you both lay down on each other watching the sky turn from blue to purple to black and you talk about your futures with each other in it. Inside your heads - though not out loud so as not to jinx yourselves - you both wonder if you two will ever marry and be like this forever.

Robbie: You Know It's About You. After a couple months of knowing Robbie and the rest of his friends you notice more and more that he has really low self esteem and self worth - perhaps it's why he lets a puppet talk to him and why he insists that it's not called a puppet. So when your singing teacher asks for you all to showcase the most recent song you've written you perform a song that you beforehand dedicate to Robbie, and whilst it goes on he is constantly bright red but smiling. When you finish he is so overwhelmed that in front of everyone he tells you he has had a crush on you for months! After class you pull him aside and ask him out outright, and remembering your song and all the nice things you've done for him he accepts without a second thought.

Cat: I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me). You're surprisingly paired with each other for a love song in songwriting class so you start working, conversing about your lives more and more until you both finally realise - you're kinda attracted to each other! When the performance happens you can't tear your eyes away from each other and your girlfriend gets uncomfortable and worried and afterwards holds you until the end of class. In the hallway Cat pulls you aside and asks quietly if you felt what she did, and one thing lead to another and you were kissing each other ferociously! Thankfully nobody came across the both of you but afterwards when you went back to your girlfriend you felt guilty and confused. What should you do now?

Tori: Don't You (Forget About Me). When the time comes for you two to break up due to you being flown overseas for a four year contract in backup singing to a famous singer, you and Tori decide to make and perform a song in front of your friends who supported you in the whole relationship. You promise one another that you won't forget about each other and the journey they went on. At the airport, you have one last kiss then you enter terminals where Tori isn't allowed to go. As you walk away you both wonder if you'll ever see each other again...

Thanks for reading so far! Please suggest any imagines or preferences to me or just ask me stuff or comment what you think so far! X

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