Chapter 3 : Legs

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,, -and we couldnt reach your highness in time " the man explained as they sat outside near by the cage and jongin listened with furrowed eyes to what had happened. ,, they pulled you under.. many men have jumped after you but we couldnt get you back, we thought we lost you until we saw it swimming from a distance... it.. It was very weird ... but you have to believe me .."

,, what happened then? How could you even see me from up this ship ?" He couldnt quite understand what really happened so far everything he had told him he could recall on his own but he wanted to know if it was surten that that siren saved his life, if it was even true... how .. and why ?...

,, you can tell me it's ok I wont ridicule you " the prince spoke once he noticed his men hesitating while breaking eye contact.

,, well .. we heard it.. it was screaming allow me to saw it sounded painful and it sounded human ... we thought it was a boy or one of us needing help until we saw its tail going over the surface to hit it again and cause more noise and attention...

it wanted us to look and find you. It even held you up until we reached you ...

But its injuries stopped it from fleeing when the others pulled it up aswell " he finished up and jongin frowned at his words. It was hard to believe but there was no reason for the man to lie so he nodded to himself sighing him quietly that he believed him.

,, what will you do about it " he asked bluntly but regret it with a nervous smile when the prince looked at him again

,, I'll have to think about it and I dont think this will be any of your concern anyway" he returned the smile quite fake and mockingly as he stood up before it turned to a light but genuine one
,, thanks "

The man bowed his head smiling brightly at the attention and jongin thought for a second when he looked at the particular man that made him smirk without forcing, he looked to be of his age aswell.

Not many men around him have managed to not make him feel annoyed by them being too oblige but it felt like this person was somewhat or could be somewhat like his other friend taemin who was one of his closest guard. The only person he would now and then talk to even if they had both been busy he was the closest he could get to a friend.

He was going to ask something when a shifting noise appeard followed by a grunt and finally by hisses, causing the guard to back away and see what was happening in the cage.

Quickly jongin stepped closer but froze a few feet away from the bars when the siren shifted on the ground heaving in paniced and pained breaths when it held itself up pulling its tail closer to himself.

And jongin witnessed how scales started falling off with every movement it did.

It shivered, its eyes half closed, red circles around them as its dry lip quivered and he hated to admit it but jongin started to feel guilty for putting it in such a place when it needed a physician.. when he made it suffer like this, as a result he ended up taking steps toward it only to be stopped by the certain man that he had talked to just moments ago.
,, your highness ! .. this might still be a trick "

He didnt answer but was slightly bothered by the grab of his hand on his arm which the shorter noticed and quickly removed the hand in regret letting his prince stand alone.

,, what's happening " jongin muttered unsure if he asked himself or the man or both when they watched how the scales on the ground melted to water and the spaces they fell off of, skin made it's way through until they spotted 2 knees on the very creature known as a siren.

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