Chapter 30 : Duties

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,, good morning! Your- " jongdae spoke as he opened the door to jongins chamber only to be a little shocked once he saw the curtains already being opened.

He walked further inside to see the bed being a mess as there was sand on it.

Once he turned to look the other way he had to flinch back when kyungsoo was suddenly standing in front of him.
,, what !?- oh my-" his hands rose to cover his eyes as he noticed the siren was completely naked. ,, JONGIN!"

,, jongdae " the princes laughing voice appeard as he heard him step closer and dared to peak between the gapes on his fingers to see his amusement as he approached with a blanket to lay it around the naked kyungsoo.

,, what in the world is going on !?" He lowered his hands finally looking at jongin with wide confused eyes.

,,I was helping him clean off. Calm down.. "
Jongdaes eyes roamed over kyungsoo who had glared at him a little almost in disgust when he did that.
The sirens hair were still wet showing that he had told the truth.

Yet he turned to look at the prince to see the dirt in his hair. It made him also turn around to have another look at the mess of the bed. He followed the dirty footsteps on the ground and the sand laying almost everywhere.
,, good that .. you CLEANED him off ! What happened !? Why does the bed look like that ! "

,, we had a little ride to the beach yesterday-"
The servant instantly closed the door behind him further and moved him quickly to step further away from it

,, you were at the beach!? Where the sea is ??" He looked back onto the siren in distrust ,, isnt that dangerous !? What if someone finds out oh no .. I'll be beheaded the king ordered me to take care of you .. no .. he'll have me stripped starved. Tortured and then beheaded. I wanted to serve the prince and protect him," he folded his hands looking up ,, I meant well, dear god.. I didnt know he would be such an idiot "

Kyungsoo half smirked at jongin when jongdae whined being close to tears as he seemed to be praying.
,, dont you think your overreacting a little bit ?" The prince rolled his eyes with a sigh ,, what's gotten into you lately ?"

Jongdae looked at him with a frown again a little triggered by the question.
,, what's gotten into me ?? I have been making excuses to the king for you none stop. Do you know what kind of extra work I will end up having to do just to cover you ? You didnt even ask why I was cleaning out that stall when it wasnt my job to do it yesterday ! I get that you have a lot on your mind too but I'm tired of taking the blame all the time..
When was the last time you spoke with your uncle huh ? He always comes to me asking.. where has jongin been, what does he do. Where is he now. Did he do this or that. Has he been to training I'm tired of lying and being punished when he realized I did because I am so damn awful in lying to a man that wears gold on his head and has 2 men with huge swords besides him! You're young and you dont care or want to know of responsibility but I didnt want to serve you just so I could clean up after you and support your little fun activities ! I'm not expecting you to behave like a typical prince but how about you start with a bit more consideration ! "

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