Chapter 34 : The Kings Love

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°•°•°♡Takes place right after
JG and solin left♡°•°•°

,, I must be damned " jongdae panted as he stepped back, raising his wooden sword again when kyungsoo yelled swinging his own at him again only to have him raise it too and block it before receiving a kick by the siren, making him stumble back even further again
,, shut up!" Kyungsoo fixed his stance to glare at him as they were currently outside on the training field.

,, ok .. ok you're angry, I know.. but it has been so long ago how can you still be mad-" he couldnt finish talking when kyungsoo had already swung his wooden sword at him again turning a couple of times when jongdae managed to block each one of them.

If jongdae had really been trying to fight back, it wouldnt have taken him long to defeat him. But he knew better than to. He didnt want to either.
,, you really think I care about that now jongin was suppose to train me but he left with that painted whale !"

Jongdae sighed watching him pant himself obviously exhausted as he was covered in sweat.
,, you know when you said you wanted to talk I hadnt expected ... this " the servant moved closer again being cautious as he didnt want to be kicked or hit by that wood again.

Kyungsoo however only roared at him swinging his sword again to hit air when jongdae managed to get out of the way and behind him instead. In anger kyungsoo wanted to swing at him again when the servant had beat him to it grabbing his wrist and twisting it to make him let it go yet soon after the siren hit him hard by swinging his elbow back and into his stomach.

He turned skillfully as he grabbed onto jongdaes finger instead twisting it and making the taller yelped as he twisted it in a way that would make him fall.

The siren grinned instandly getting on him as he laid on the ground instead of himself. He was panting when he balled his hands to fists, ready to beat into him.

But when he could ..  he didnt.

Instead he was breathing heavy glaring down at the servant for a moment before
he got back up,
,, I ..have wanted to apologize for yelling at you.. and ... i realize what happened was not meant to harm me... "

The servant rose both eyebrows in disbelief. As he moved to sit up
,, what ?"

,, you cannot let jongin marry that .. girl " he admitted almost as if he was asking jongdae of a favour when the tone of his voice shifted off to be painted by a bit of fear which made jongdae frown at him confused.
,, i-it's not in my hands to decide that..."

,, but it is wrong ! He is your friend is he not ? He will not listen to me.. you have to talk to him! " he almost threatened again when he grabbed the wooden sword to point it at his chin

,, sadly .. " the taller sighed when he easily moved the tip of the wooden sword away from being pointed at him with a finger before standing up ,, the only one he listens to right now seems to be the king "

In thoughts kyungsoo looked up at the castle, before his eyes landed on the king himself in one of the hallways standing by the window to glare back down at him.
,, by the way that was the worst apologie I've ever heard .. " jongdae spoke in between but kyungsoo kept his glaring eyes at the king.

Why would the king be watching him. Was he making sure kyungsoo wasnt trying anything ?
,, kyungsoo " jongdae seemed to have finally caught up on them as he moved beside the siren placing a hand on his shoulder in attempt to make him turn away.

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