Chapter 63 : Burning Down

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He grunted as he flinched awake when cold water was being splashed over him. Instandly he was on edge and ready to defend himself, yet he had still been tied up all he could do was sit up and stare up at the 2 guys laughing at him.

One of them got down to him still chuckling when he held kyungsoos head by his chin to face him but the siren only glared turning his head out of his gripp.

,, I don't think he's had enough yet " the taller behind him announced.

It had only been a day, yesterday they had beaten him until they themselves were tired, using all sorts of weapons kyungsoo hadnt known existed.
Humans were twisted for building these kinds of things like the long thin hard rope they'd hit his back over with. He'd bleed from it. He bleed a lot from their doings.

His whole body had been aching with every moment, even glaring had become painful as his face had been bleeding from severel places.

He couldn't remember them asking him anything else but where the safe room of the king was.
Another reason for why he had only called them stupid and pathetic.

Beating into a tied up person for information that he obviously didn't have.

Why on earth would they think he would know it. Even better why would they think kyungsoo would go through all that to protect the king.
If they knew sohyun they must know he doesn't give a damn about the king and rather had him dead aswell.

But they wouldn't listen.
Execuses they accused him of. When they were the ones using this as an excuse to hurt him.

Yes he noticed how they smiled when they humiliated him with beating into him while he was tied, dragging him around on the dirt ground as if he were some abused animal.
They enjoyed it.

Still he felt they'd enjoyed it more if he acted as scared as they expected him to be. The frustration they felt when kyungsoo would only glare back and use any chance hed get to hit them back to barass them in front of each other.

He wouldnt cry like they expected him to. He wouldnt be weak even if he were this pathetic to die here by some cowards.

A rope was placed around his throat as one opened the rope around his ankles

They pulled him up harshly to his feet and he grunted glaring at them when he swayed a little on his feet. One aching and he ended up limping a little, when they pulled him with them, kyungsoo eyed the one who wasn't pulling on the rope as he had his hand on his belt, specifically his sword.

He continued pulling him by the rope out and once they reached the stairs he had skipped a few steps down only to pull on it harshly and cause him to fall it down after him, landing in the mud.

,, look at that, now he really is a little shit " they laughed again.
While the other had pulled kyungsoo
Back up and out of the mud again to push him forward onto the path.

Obnoxious, idiots.

For once he wished he had his bow to watch the arrow travel through their heads from afar.

,, I bet he enjoyed that little bath"
They kept their joke going but kyungsoo long stopped listening to it when he absorbed the surrounding to find something he could work with on escaping.

It was night and there were a couple of burning branches besides the trail obviously placed by them as the horses of them stood close to it.

He still disliked fire, seeing as one of the guys had a torch in hand that wasnt lit yet made him realize this wasn't going to be pretty.

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