Chapter 18 : The Beauty In the Gardens

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,, s-so... " jongin stuttered as he strolled lazily through the gardens looking at his feet as he was cautiously walking a little slower seeing as kyungsoo had still a light limp which shouldn't have been a problem but with his lacking skills in walking it made it a little harder.

Kyungsoo hadnt answered and jongin looked over to see him having his arms folded as he looked at the flowers they were passing.
He seemed quiet and not as eager to insult or throw accusations at him since the little talk they had it almost seemed like it cooled kyungsoo a little off from .. everything.
,, I guess you dont see colorful flowers like that in the ocean"

,, I do " he answered all of a sudden ,, where my kind lives it is too deep for the sun to reach it, but closer to the surface... rarely, on spots that humans can not reach, it is beautiful.. all kinds of colours and creatures " altho the prince had expected him to lash out again when he had explained that, he was glad to see kyungsoo wearing a neutral expression.

,, do you miss the ocean ?"
He asked out of curiosity.

,, I miss the water and my tail "
The siren admitted looking down to his feet as they walked.

,, be glad you got pretty feet, it could've been worse " jongin tried to crack a joke but the siren only looked at him irritated with a frown.
,, I.. I mean not that I have analysed them or something I'm just saying I guess you could've ended up with .. em .. you know ugly legs? Not that i find yours pretty but " he swallowed noticing how he was dragging this painful Moment out to make it worse
,, i mean you could've ended up with just one leg "

He blinked a little shocked looking to his own legs again and the prince wanted nothing more than to slap himself. He never stumbled over his words this bad.
,, is that even possible ? " 

,, y-yeah..  but... you know people dont like seeing it, if someone only had one leg, they wouldnt be making it far "
Kyungsoo expression saddened and jongin wondered if it was because he felt bad or because he connected it with something he experienced before.

,, the people should fall to hell  "

Jongin chuckled at that but the siren was dead serious about it as he looked back onto the flowers they passed
,, why ? Arent all humans bad to you ? That would include the creples "

,, the royal bloods are the monsters .. everyone else is just dumb enough to follow you, it makes me sick to see people bowing before you and washing their hands before touching you.
Still you have the guts to call it respectful behaviour...
this sort of respect .. you are not suppose to be born with it you are suppose to earn it"

,, how would you know anything about respect " the prince only shock his head. disbelieved as he turned to look at a flower that was especially outstanding from the others as its colour was pink instead of the red around it.

Kyungsoo didnt answer as he rather gently held the flower up cupping it in his hands ,, how's that here .. the gardeners Muster be getting sloppy "

As jongin had complained kyungsoo let the flower hang on it's own again.
,, it is pretty "

,, it's old.. and not suppose to be there" jongin reached out just as kyungsoo was backing away again, he picked the flower out.

,, what are you doing !?"

,, it's suppose to be a red one they probably forgot to pick it" kyungsoo looked a little sad between the pink flower and the rest of the red ones blossoming healthy and in a strong red while the pink was fading.
But jongin reached it out seeing as it was upsetting the siren a little handing it to him instead ,, come on .. its just a flower ?"

" You should not pick something out just because you dislike it or it was not meant to be .. "
Kyungsoo had to learn that the hard way as he took the flower in his hand.
,, I learned that already ... you will have to someday too "

,, what do you mean? " jongin frowned while kyungsoo held the flower close to himself looking down a little awkwardly as he watched his feet.

,, I-I heard what you talked about with your servant, and I see how you treat him... you are not as arrogant and selfcentered as I thought you were ..
I-i mean You are still an idiot do not get me wrong " he admitted hesitating but eventually overcoming the barrier that prevented him from admitting it ,, but .. but i guess  you did save my life"
The said siren looked up into jongins eyes ,, and for t-that I am grateful "

Quickly afterwards he averted his eyes when a smile slowly creeped it's way onto jongins lips, watching the siren actually thanking jongin was pleasing to him. His smile grew bigger  when it seemed like kyungsoo couldnt have resisted to insult him as he blushed.
,, you are still an arrogant idiot do not think my mind has changed "

,, and you're still a cursed monster from the dark of the ocean " jongin said as he looked onto the field of red flowers again.

Kyungsoo looked down holding back the smile he felt slowly creeping on it's own as his eyes examined the flower in his hand and he turned away when jongin admitted without looking at him.

,, you're right, maybe having 2 colours will be prettier "


In the dark room kyungsoo sat, watching the mirror in front of him as his eyes moved to the pink flower in a vase that sohyun had brought him.
It hung down from it, too weak and worn out to be standing tall. It looked old and powerless, like a dried out body.

He looked down before at himself again and finally at the flower, he closed his eyes inhaling through his nose lightly as he started to hum softly, trying to clear his head of anything but the flower.

The thought of its colour turning to a stronger tone and its stem streghtening to be holding the petals with ease.

And once he opened his eyes, he almost blinked disbelieved as the flower had blossomed in the most beautiful pink.

He smiled ready to reach out for it, but once his hand came closer, the petals curled in turning darker and shrinking in on its self, losing all its colours before falling off, its stem shrinking to let the top slowly drop and hang off the glass like a corpse worse than before.

He gasped retrieving his hand and watching as it finally stopped and was now nothing more then the remains of a dead plant hanging from the vase it was in.

No colour was left, no beauty was left just the dead dark almost black colours .. remained of it

He turned to look back at the mirror before him to see his still glowing in a white eyes, that started to tear up at the mere sight of itself.

He wasnt able to keep the stare and ended up looking down onto his lap, seeing a few tears drop to land on his hands as he sniffed and continuously whipped his cheeks before getting up only to stumble and fall befor his bed.
To only have his arms on it in which he laid to bury his face.

He didnt bother getting up again, he just sat there sinking into himself as he cried.

,, it's a monster from the ocean "

,, they're evil ! Cursed ! Burn it down !


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