Chapter 68 : Quiet Threats

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Kyungsoo exhaled looking at the Birds that flew past him, he was sitting on the balcony of the castle in silence.

Sniffling his hand lifted to wipe the tear on his cheek away when another bird landed in front of him on the railing, turning its head as if to get a good look at him which made him inhale shakingly as he watched it for a moment trying to recollect himself again, he grinned lightly as the 2 birds seemed to argue.

Just yesterday they had arrived at the castle not much after sunrise in the morning. He'd expected to be arrested and questioned before thrown into the dungeon or be sent on his way once he arrived.

But jongin assured him he would be fine all he had to do was to trust him and do as he says.

He was right,

Nothing happened. Jongin portrayed him like he was a kidnapped victim who defended the kingdoms name and escaped with his help, holding important informations that would help their side out.
He portrayed him as the one who saved his life on the day he had disappeard.

And they believed it all.
People bowed in apologies for the mistreatment. How naive humans could be as naive as I could be appearently.

Kyungsoo also came to face jongins father again he was surprised to have the king shake his hand almost in thanks but when he shared eye contact with him there was something off..  something so different than before. He expected the king to be suspicious or questioning and ungrateful as the royals have always acted... Arrogant, selfish and full of hatred just as he was when he had beaten kyungsoo bruised and bloody as he blamed him for his sons death
But he apologized.

the king seemed hesitant with him almost careful when kyungsoo looked into his eyes he didnt know what he saw but it wasnt hate or distraught. The king believed every word the siren spoke about the rebellion wanting to attack and he acted understanding when kyungsoo said he didnt know where they were located when it was obvious to everyone around the table that he did in fact know where they were.

When it was obvious to jongin and his obnoxious knight who had both looked at him one with a frown and the other with a glare.

Jongdae had quiet down, he was too silent for it to be normal but he was still there, always behind jongin and putting a word in when it was necessary. He was hurt and he needed time to process who sohyun now turned out to be.

Kyungsoo closed his eyes finally as he spotted the sunrise painting the sky in different colours.
He swallowed standing up to rest his hands on the railing besides the birds.
As he recalled the aftermath of the meeting with the king.


,, why didnt you say where they were ?" Jongin frowned stopping him from walking away as they had exit the chamber and he pulled him aside.

,, because it does not matter "

,, how does that not matter? They're planning to attack the castle if we know where they are we can stop them before they can even come closer " the prince seemed quite upset as kyungsoo moved jongins hand, that was  holding onto his arm, away.

,, exactly, the king would just order to run them over and kill them all.. but there are normal people aswell who can not fight, woman and children who are hiding there just hoping to survive jongin "

Jongin moved back a little looking at him a little in disbelief ,, we wouldnt kill them.. "

,, are you sure about that ? Just look at your closest knight, they will slaughter them " he swiped his hand to the side to clarify it but the prince still only frowned back.

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