Chapter 20 : Disowned

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[ When quarantine doesnt offer me much entertainment and i realized i havent even finished like ⅛ of the Story plot because im dragging things out too much but .. patience ppl .

A Cute bottom once learned from his spacedad patience yields focus ]


,, Burn it down !"

,, monster!"

,, burn them all down !"

,, you have to trust me ok, dont worry "

,, no we have to go back ! I ... I cannot "

,, please !...  I'm sorry you cant help them "

,, what are you doing !??"

The women swam forward when he opened his eyes
,,They screamed but they cheered, when they cried, they laughed and when they pleaded they spit on them. Yelled at them humiliated them because they did not know any better. Because everyone did it, because that is how they are suppose to act.

No matter how much blood was on their hands, it did not matter because they were not the only ones with blood on their hands.

Funny how a crime can be ok because everyone had their fingers in it. As long as the group does it I can do it."
He had only looked at her not saying a word or moving in any way. Her hair was black with silver strains showing and flickering when she moved around swimming from one place to another almost as if she searched for something.

He glanced down to see his long tail instead of his legs when he moved it slightly through the water.
,, some things will never change ...
even if we want them to "

He looked at her mumbling nonsense before herself.
,, nobody changes even if they want to or tried their best..
Hope is an excuse, stupid stupid excuses"

She turned from one shelf to another as he slowly started to get his consciousness together.
,, hey, what are you doing ?"

,, they said to give it a try but we cannot, the boy he hit his head, tried to save a siren, huh !? Lies over lies.. a boy would never-"
,, hey !"

Finally she stopped moving around, facing him with her back as he swam a little closer, when she suddenly turned around.

He gasped looking at her face half of it being scarred over by burn Marks and he backed away feeling his eyes burn when he stared at her
,, m-mother ?"

She started sinking to the ground and he was about to swim closer when he suddenly crashed against an invincible wall and frowned at it confused.

Balling his hands to fist he punched it confused and irritated ,, mother !?"

She didnt answer as she stared to the ground coldly.
,, moth-"
Suddenly the water was sucked away and he gasped loudly once more when he suddenly had air around him but only him as if he was trapped in an air bubble under water.
His tail disappeard and he spotted his legs underneath him.

He was breathing heavily, tapping around it in panic when he looked back onto his mother unable to get up and really punch against the bubble that kept him captured ,, what is happening!?!"

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