Chapter 56 : The World does not care

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○●○●○ Updated version ○●○●○●

changes appear after this sign >> ○●○●○●○●○


Jongin hurried through the floors as he rushed down the steps of the big stairs looking at one of his guards that had just walked across the courtyard with a horse.

,, hey !"

The guard turned his head as jongin arrived besides him taking the linings out of his hand.

,, jongin !" Solins voice appeard causing him to halt as she stopped before him with a frown.
,, where are you going ?"

,, I dont know I need to make sure of something " he answered rushed not wanting to be rude but seeing her was the last thing he wanted now. It even had angered him to see her as he was starting to blame her for it aswell. Why would she appear conveniently now if she wasn't involved.

,, but I need your help... something-" she started with sad eyes which made him frown at her as he tried to pass her but couldnt.
,, I don't have time for this, I'm sorry "

She wouldn't move aside however when she finally laid a hand onto his shoulder with a worried expression.
,, is everything alright ? You look pale-"
,, I'm fine but I need to leave now !"
He exhaled stressed as he tried hard to maintain himself when he moved her hand gently away to step onto the stirrup to get on the horse.

,, jongin its urgent "
She urged stepping before the horse and making him pull all the linings to keep it back.

He had only looked at her emptily with disappointment in his eyes showing that he knew she was trying to hold him back or distract him.

It visibly had shocked her and finally she exhaled stepping back and aside, letting him swing the line as he started galloping through the gates in a hurry.

It felt as if all the anger had faded for once being replaced with worry.
Solin was obviously trying to hold him back and it confirmed that something was going on.
He had tried not to fall into sungyuris trap but by doing so he had already fallen in, they had.

He could only hope he wouldn't be too late.. he could only hope kyungsoo was predictable enough to really be by the beach again.

If anything were to happen ..
he cant say what he would do.


Kyungsoo threw a stone lazily into the water as he sighed out.
His eyes roamed the water emptily

,, I wish you were dead..."
The siren swallowed closing them in exhaustion as he leaned his forehead onto his knees. Hes talking nonsense again because he feels horrible and he wants to be mad at someone else than jongin.

He shouldnt have said what he did .. again. He keeps bursting out like that and he cant control himself.
,, I really hate you " he spoke again picking up the stone to throw it angrily into the water.

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