Chapter 24 : Weird Waters

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,, jongin why dont you go out and dance a little, Ravi is here too I dont want him to think I didnt let you see him " eujin pushed jongins shoulder jokingly.

It had been a while as the 2 talked a lot while kyungsoo had been busy with looking around questioning things they talked about only to be getting weird looks from either of them.
,, I'll take care of your little friend "

Jongin looked a little hesitant but kyungsoo didnt seem to bother much as he only briefly looked at him .
,, go on I know how much you like to dance too "

He bit onto both his lips before sighing
,, i'll be right back dont worry "

,, jongin " kyungsoo hesitated when he actually saw how the prince turned away ready to leave, his voice however caused him to stop and turn back to him.

,, dont worry, .. I'm going to hurry just talk to her a little ... " he gave him a knowing look obviously meaning he shouldn't exactly talk about who he really was or what really happened.

The siren looked a bit embarrassed back at her as jongin walked away. He didnt mean to seem scared or needy of him but it had just been a reflex since he didnt know anyone here not to mention the place.

,, there " she purred more into his cup with a smile

He glanced down at it. He already had a full cup and it wasnt exactly delicious he just thought he should drink it since everyone drinks it here even if it had made him feel a little weird.
,, what exactly is this ?"

She laughed moving the cup so he would take another sip ,, what do you think "

,, weird water " he admitted causing her to laugh more

,, you really dont know wine ?"
Her eyebrows rose amused when he looked away a little embarrassed
,, what do you drink when you celebrate then? "

Uncomfortable kyungsoo looked into his cup before at the people again
,, we.. do not do things like .. that we do not celebrate "

Slowly her smile faded as she glanced at him obviously in thought.
,, everyone needs to celebrate once in a while ... what else would you be doing to relief the stress ?"

His frown hardened at her statement and he looked up quite defensively at her.
,, where I come from we do not have the time to think of how to relief stress. We need to prepare for the war and the fight that is happening every day "

She leaned back a little shocked as she left her drink standing and looked at him a little saddened ,, you're from a war zone ?.."

He didnt understand what she meant by zone wasnt the war everywhere and as important as it was for the people in the ocean?
,, I'm sorry .. I was insensitive I didnt know.. " she sighed leaning on her hand steadied by her elbow on the counter again as she looked away ,, my husband was fighting aswell "

her eyes carried sadness as kyungsoo listened now more into her words.
,, they dont know what this war is doing to the people,.. everytime he would leave I would be left behind with this feeling of not knowing if he will come back..
he didnt want to fight, you know.. we just wanted to have a peaceful life. But they didnt give us a choice " an empty chuckle escaped her ,, it changed him.. he used to tell me of the cruel stuff he had to see and do.. but after a while he grew quieter.. cold.." kyungsoo swallowed as he watched her eyes travel down. ,, the last time I saw him " her hand lifted so she could lay it on the counter showing the ring on her finger
,, he asked me to marry him... that I shouldn't worry it would be his last fight.. it's been roughly 2 years now "

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