Chapter 40 : The Final Push

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,, jongdae !" Jongin yelled as he stumbled back to land on his bottom when the servant had pushed him harshly out of the way to get to kyungsoo.

His expression was angered when he pulled his sword out attempting to hold it against the sirens throat but kyungsoo was faster to take a hold of the dagger he had still hidden and brought out, up in time to clash against the blade of the sword. Yet the force had caused kyungsoo to stumble back aswell to stand by the edge of the stone and regain his balance.

,, what do you think you're doing !?" Jongin appeared once more taking angrily a hold on his arm.

,, you're not In your right mind ! He must've enchanted you.. he was probably planning on taking you to the sea right now ! " he yanked his arm out of his hold as he yelled this and rose the blade to kyungsoo again, who only frowned sternly at him.
,, do you really think I would have waited so long to enchant him and take him to the sea after I have saved his life severel Times from drowning ?"

Jongdae hesitated swallowing when he realized there was something to the words he spoke. But it was impossible for jongin to.. why would they have kissed it made no sense to him. Little die he know that to to kyungsoo it didnt either just yet.
He knew what the servant was thinking of and why he was acting this way.
He didnt want it to be true, because if it were it would cause trouble.. so he'd rather have it be an 'enchantment'

,, drop the damn sword !" Jongin ordered as he pulled his own sword out after it had been quiet for a little and kyungsoo was ready to back down as he lowered the dagger. He wasnt really interested in fighting with the servant either.. because in a way he hadnt hated him like other humans aswell and he knew HE was a friend to jongin, he didnt want them to fight over this ridiculous excuse either.

Jongdae didnt respond but rather rose the sword again in anger
,, jongdae ! For heavens sake!" Jongin hesustard but eventually put his own sword back again aswell. ,, just lower it and we can talk "

Yet it seemed as if his hustle hadn't heard the words as he kept his eyes on the siren before stepping closer to let the sword touch the siren neck causing the prince, who thought he was attacking kyungsoo to grab onto the handle aswell attempting to lower it but the servant struggled against it, causing the sword to actually swing.

Kyungsoo gasped and both stopped to stare at him, when the siren held his throat, blood dripping through the spaces between his fingers.

Jongin watched wide eyed as he let go of his servant and attempted to rush forward. kyungsoo swayed a little before he took a wrong step back, with jongin having reached his hand out to late for him to catch him he had to watch the siren fall into the water.

The prince didnt hesitate when he jumped after him into it, while jongdae had now long dropped the sword in shock collapsing to his knees at the edge of the stone to stare down into the water in fear and guilt.

He hadnt planned for this to happen.
At the moment he had just been furious and he saw no other way to confront them about this. He. was. furious, his emotions too overwhelming but he didnt mean to hurt kyungsoo...he didnt want to hurt either of them.

Not much later jongin popped up on the surface again with kyungsoo in his arms, coughing and gasping as he wheezed in air.

Jongdae hurried and ran back from the stone to the where Jongin pulled kyungsoo out to lay down on land again.
The prince didnt say anything as he was breathing heavily himself and moved the hand on the siren that was gripping his own bleeding neck away gently to exam it.

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