Chapter 22 : Emotions like these

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,, there was a boy~
A very strange enchanted boy~

They say he wandered very far~...
Very far~
Over land and sea~

A little shy .. and sad of eye~
But very wise was he ~

And then one day~
we spoke of many things~
Of fools and kings~

Then he said to me~

'the greatest thing you'll ever learn~
Is to love and be loved in return' ... "
Kyungsoo sang softly to the cat falling asleep on his lap as he pet her gently.
,, you like that do you not.. " he giggled when it turned on his lap to lay on its Back obviously waiting him to Pet its stomach, which he did.

,, nice song " the prince spoke ep from the door way but kyungsoo only looked up briefly before turning his attention back onto the cat.

,, how did that cat come in here? "
The siren shrugged at jongins question when he walked further in.

,, are you here to lecture me for riding your horse ? I know your servant has seen me " kyungsoo spoke unbothered not moving his eyes from the cat.

,, no.. but... well it's true that it's dangerous.. you should ask me next time " jongin walked closer sitting down besides him, he rose his hand bringing it gently down onto the cat's head stroking it himself.

The siren looked up at that to see jongins smiling expression while the cat continued to purr moving its head against jongins hand.
,, that was a nice song you sang, where did you hear it ?"

Kyungsoo quickly averted his eyes when jongin had looked up after his question.
He hesitated swallowing first before answering a bit bitter
,, from the humans.. " he recalled the times when he heard a woman sing it by the beach from a far. Her voice was beautiful and it just stuck in his head. To his displease it also hadnt been the only song he caught up from he humans.
,, I do not understand how humans can write pretty songs but still act like heartless fooled idiots "

Jongin sighed removing his hand from petting the cats.
,, I dont know when you'll understand that not every human has the same mind.. I always thought sirens didnt have emotions like these, I'm sure my uncle still thinks of it that way or my parents "

Kyungsoo was quiet not sure if he should ask or not but when jongin stood up he couldnt stop himself
,, emotions like these ? "

The prince frowned a little confused at him and he looked down again a little embarrassed and even angry for getting embarrassed.
,, love "

A word he didnt really want to hear from the prince, he wasnt even sure himself what it meant and what the difference between liking and loving was.
,, w-what .. what does it really mean ?"

,, the song you sang " he chuckled a little now leaning against the wall a little amused and ashamed to be admitting it but the said siren did look cute when he was confused.
,, the greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is to love and be loved in return~ "

,, have you learned that ?" Kyungsoo asked, he had sung songs many times to himself without exactly knowing the meaning of what he sang. Almost all the songs had love included yet he didnt know what love meant.

,, ofcorse.. my parents. I love my parents and they love me " the prince frowned a little now realizing it had been a bit more about something else as he continued ,, love can mean more things and can be differently strong.. it's a feeling like the love for a friend, family
Or .. the strongest for that one person who you'd like to spent the rest of your life with "

Jongins answer had visibly made the siren a little more sad which irritated him as he didnt understand why, not knowing if he should even ask for why as he pressed his lips together.

,, I guess my kind is not capable of emotions like these then " the cat jumped off kyungsoos lap when he got up ready to walk away if it werent for jongin who stopped him smiling a little irritated. He had never heard him talk bad about his own kind. It were always the humans who were the evil and at wrong.
,, what are you talking about, ofcorse you are capable of emotions.. no person who cant love would treat a cat like that or risk his own life to save others.. "

Even tho he said that it felt like the words didnt really reach kyungsoo when he rather looked the other way still in his own thoughts.

Jongin thought to himself as he looked out into the fields before back onto the siren when he let go of his Hand now. Böushing ligjtly when he realized he was still holding it while the other hadnt bothered ,, how about you come to kais stall in the night today "

The siren frowned up at him ,, what ?"

,, I want to show you something to get your mind off things.. "
Tho jongin smiled slightly when he said that still in thought. The siren didnt exactly feel comfortable about it not knowing what to expect as he watched the prince turn away before him to leave.

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