Chapter 45 : Fair Folk

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,, do you even know where you are going??" Kyungsoo complained as he sat on the back of the horse while jongin was holding the linings going in a quite fast pace.

,, yes I do, dont worry. You dont have to be scared I'll protect you "

,, do you intend to die !?" The prince chuckled at that when they continued riding through the forest until he suddenly came to a stop.
,, we're here "

The siren frowned, but sighed relieved as he got off the horse to hold the insides of his thighs ,, it hurts "

,, I guess that's normal if you're not used to riding, do you want me to carry you ?"
He continued to tease as he smirked at him.

Kyungsoo rose a hand ready to slap him as he had to grin himself but the prince only chuckled it off again as he turned to look ahead in between the trees.

Kai neighed as kyungsoo Pet its neck gently causing it to nudge him playfully with its snout as he smiled.
,, dont worry kai, I'll be back soon aswell dont miss me too much"
Sarcastically jongin huffed at his horse when he adjusted his sword as it had moved from riding so long.

Kyungsoo giggled moving to him rather now as he looked around aswell
,,why have you brought me here?"

,, I wanted to show you something but also check on them myself " he walked forward reaching his hand out to him as the way continued through a lot of leafs and down a rough way.

The siren rose both his eyebrows irritated as he took his hand to follow
,, them ?"

,, yes, you have to be careful tho.. they tent to be very shy and cautious "
Kyungsoos frown hardened a little irritated but he smiled faintly as he looked at how excited jongin had been when he almost dragged him behind himself to get to the place.

Finally they stopped after jongin pushed aside some .. long hanging down leaves ? From a huge tree. He had never seen anything like this before. He had to almost completely throw back his head to see where the tree had its branches to hold these long leaves hanging off to meet the ground. It reminded him of a woman. The tree almost looked like it had hair hanging down. Surrounding the trunk in the middle like a shield of protection.

Kyungsoo looked at it in awe as they walked through them. It smelled like nice flowers once they successfully past through it.

It was bit darker, the sun being covered by the trees surrounding them and the long leafs like curtains.

Jongin walked further and took a seat by the huge treetrunk leaning his arms onto his lifted knees.

He followed him quietly as he sat down besides him ,, so .. who are they ..
or where ?"

,, you'll see soon enough, when it's dark enough to be exact "he grinned.

,, is this where you would go to hide from your responsibilities?" Kyungsoo giggled looking around, examining the different flowers but mostly those long leafs that had fascinated him since he had never seen them before.

,, ha ha .. but yeah .. I used to come here often, I felt like they were the only ones who understood me even if I couldnt exactly understand what they were saying " he shrugg his shoulder scratching his temple embarrassed ,, I've never really talked about this place to anyone though ..  I was afraid they might destroy it "

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