Chapter 72 : Guarded Walls

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[ no excuses BUT school just started and I'm having heart attacks in class when they talk about my finally exams this year🙂🔫 ]


Kyungsoo exhaled as he pulled the string of his bow back staring at the red target in the distance of the training spot when his thoughts wandered off to the night before again.

'' sorry " jongin mumbled between his laughs as he laid the siren down onto the bed.

He giggled wrapping his arms around the tallers neck as he simply shock his head to brush it off. Jongin had only slightly put pressure on his chest so he thought he was overreacting when he tried to lean away and give the shorter space.

Instead kyungsoo pulled him closer connecting their lips before he leaned away again to bury his face into the space between the prince's neck and shoulder to breath through.

Jongin smirked at it trailing kisses down his neck as he moved to be on top of him. As a reflex the shorter spread his legs allowing him to lean into him.

He hadnt realized what was happening at that point, he hadn't hated it and he returned every kiss the prince offered him, he let him kiss him wherever he wanted because he enjoyed it. He wanted it and he liked it.

Yet by the time both had their shirts off the prince hesitated and when kyungsoo noticed this. reality seemed like it was crashing down onto both of them, images of the elves face, who he'd probably never be able to forget flashed before him. The uncomfortable feeling it had left behind resurfacing in that moment ... he felt disgusted.
It caused shivers to run over his body, goosebumps to appear.

The siren quieckly moved back almost in a flinch as he stared back at jongin almost a little scared or startled, while his hands rose to hug himself lightly.

'' k-Kyung-.. damn it I didn't .. think I'm sorry I didnt mean to.. " he backed away on the bed aswell in regret watching the siren closely.

But kyungsoo didnt say anything. He was left shocked and he couldn't explain himself or what had just happened.

Thinking back to what happened disgusted him but realizing he liked it now was making him feel like he was a horrible person.
'' w-why would you.. why did I?"

jongin moved closer carefully when the sirens eyes wouldn't meet his and he moved his legs closer to himself to look into his lap.

The prince spotted the tears building in his eyes, he could see how scared the siren was when he noticed his own errection.

The taller sat down besides him, a comforting hand on his back '' it's ok"

Kyungsoo clearly seemed uncomfortable and in conflict with himself when he wiped over his cheeks but wouldnt move his eyes away from his lap until jongin moved his head gently '' kyungsoo, it's ok..
Come on let me help wash you up"

Gently the prince had pulled him up from the bed to walk toward the bathtub, where he told him to wait a moment.

Kyungsoo remembered it all as he was now standing on the training field letting the arrow go to shoot and hit his target perfectly into the red dot it had been market with.

He frowned in thought as he pulled another arrow while taking a couple of steps toward his next target.

Thinking back to how gentle and considerate jongin had treated him not pushing him to speak or do anything he wouldnt want to do. He acted as if he had felt guilty but really he just cared. Kyungsoo would forever be grateful for that that's why he finally spoke about what happened.

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