Chapter 6 : The Rotten Apple

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[ the whole JG getting into the castle and saving his uncle was part of the previous chapter and literly just disappeard and I'm too lazy to write it all again so..

Basically he got back and he ordered Jongdae to guard kyungsoo while he goes inside but he didnt listen and followed him inside anyway tying KS up so they fought against the guards blabla teamwork sparkles and once they saved the king /JGs uncle.
Jongin rushes outside again and first thinks KS escaped because he wasnt there anymore but then found him not too far away awake and hurt making his wounds worse so JG tries to be soft on him since he feels bad and Carrie's him back to the castle. ]

It was late when jongin left the room again.

It had felt like he was in there too long watching the siren sleep all bandaged up under blankets in that huge bed that made it look even smaller laying all wounded up in it.

He cursed himself for that he had stared so long at its face.
It was a siren afterall. Its looks were meant to be appealing to a man's eyes so it would be easier to seduce them.

But jongin didnt want to seem so weak to be influenced by a siren that isnt even conscious, let alone one thats appearance was a boy...
his father would be ashamed of him.

,, ah jongin.. you're worrying too much " his uncle walked toward him once the old man has spotted him walking through the halls.

Jongin only glared shaking his hand off his shoulders.
,, none of this would've happened if you knew how to place your guards and hadn't bluntly accepted anyone to see you in the castle !"

His uncle only rolled his eyes still smirking as he shrugged his shoulders with raised hands.
,, now now. Everything worked out in the end anyway didnt it ? Plus it appears to not have been that much of an inconvenience "

,, I've lost so many men. This isnt just an inconvenience even less a not that much of one " he sighed folding his arms together as he came to a still stand by the window. His eyes looking down at the people and the guards walking around in the courtyard of the castle.

,, your men are willing to give up their life for you.. they are loyal and they have respect for you.. this is a good sign "

,, well I'm sure that comes in handy for if i should ever need loyal sailors and guards from the dead " he spoke in sarcasm. What use does this knowledge have when those men are already dead.

But his uncle had only.laughed at him, his hands raising to land on jongins shoulders ,, you're starting to turn into your father, look at how you fold your hands behind your back already' he pointed out amused while jongin frowned at him ,, the death of those sailors and guards will be known. Word will travel around and people will learn..

The mentality of the people is love or hate... Take a fruit for example" his hand moved to pick the apple from the bowl that stood on the little table besides them.
,, no one likes a rotten fruit.. its unpleasant and anyone would throw it away in disgust. But a good fruit is something delicious for the weak and poor they'd do anything for It. They want it.. they desire it while A rotten fruit just spreads its germs. " jongin frowned hard as he listened to him.
,, you could show your people a good fruit that everyone will love and thrive for... or you could give them a rotten one that'll spread its germs "

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