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"Jimin, remember to text me when you get there, alright?"

"Yes, Namjoon. Don't worry, and I'll be safe at Jeonggukie's home. We won't do anything bad, duUh." Jimin sticks his tongue out at his Hyung. "Have fun with Jin Hyung! I'm expecting nieces or nephews!" Jimin continued while jumping up and down with glee.

"Yeah, stop. Now go, squirt before I change my mind." Jimin nodded and adjusted his backpack. He went to the front door and waved his big brother goodbye. Namjoon greatly waved back. Jimin giggled and closed the door and made his way to his best friends house.

Once he made it there, he knocked at least 2 minutes since Jimin could smell an alpha in there. He knew that Taehyng, Jeongguk's mate, was in there with him.

Jeongguk opened the door with red-tinted lips, and his buttoned-up shirt was undone. Jimin stifled a laugh while Jeongguk organized himself.

"Yah! Shush! Come in already~" He whined, pulling the smaller inside his home. Jimin saw Taehyung on the couch, drinking his wine.

"Hi Taehyung. Sorry to interrupt your... Business with him." Jimin said, suppressing his smile.

"Its okay, Jimin, " Taehyung stood up and walked towards Jeongguk, whispering into his ear. Jeongguk blushed and hid his face into his hands.

"Yah! Don't whisper dirty shit infront of me!" Jimin yelled and went upstairs to Jeongguk's room to drop off his backpack. He couldn't help to sniff around because he could smell another alpha other than Taehyung's scent.

Jimin dropped off his backpack into the room and began searching the source.

Pine cones

The fresh smelling pine cones lingers in Jimin's nostrils. He followed the scent since it was intoxicating for him.

He went down the hallway, passing many doors until his feet stopped at one particular door. The sound of a beautiful melody played. Jimin pushed the door open. He saw a man with black jet hair. He couldn't tell what his face was since the strangers back was facing him.

The stranger stopped abruptly when he too smell something sweet. He turned his head around and saw a beautiful boy with pink hair standing by the door.

"U-Um... Sorry for interrupting! Please don't mind me, I'll just leave!" The pink hair boy said. He bowed 90° degree angle and clumsly made his way out. Once he was out of sight, the stranger smirk.

"Ah, new toy." The stranger thought as he smirked to himself.

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