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"Jin... Tell me how you get your kids to stop breastfeeding." Jimin asked and Jin choked on his food. He looked at Jimin with a glare on his face.

"I don't know Jimin. I don't breastfeed my kids." Jin remarked. Jimin pouted and leaned back at the couch. Recently before all of this. Namjoon and Yoongi took the children to the park and what not while the mothers rest inside the house. Jimin could use a break from the twins since they kept him all night with their constant moving, and Taeji kept sucking.

"You know Jimin... If you want your kids to stop breastfeeding. Put a bandaid on your nipples, worked like a charm thanks to TikTok." Y/n said plopping herself down on the couch next to Jimin while a shot of alcohol in her hand, and she continued, "I tried that on my daughter last year, and she cries for like an hour thinking she hurt me, but it was worth it."

"I'll try that... Thanks." Y/n nodded and downed her alcohol while Jin drank his wine from last night peacefully.

"Y'all are alcoholics..." Jimin said.

"You haven't tried to drink?" Jin asked. Jimin shook his head.

"I rather not, but Taemin does. He smokes too, but I told him not around me or the kids."

"My poor innocent Jimin uwu. Just try one drink." Y/n suggested, pouring the pink transparent liquid onto the glass and handed over to him. Jimin looked at the drink confusingly. In his entire life, he never does such things with his body, let alone damaging it. Jimin gave them both an unsure look.

"It's Rosé. It's delicious, Jimin. Just try one sip, and you'll be good." Y/n encouraged. Jimin prayed for his life as he is taking the devil's juice. His tongue touched the liquid and made it in one gulp. The sweet flavor of fruits and flowers whooshed together around his mouth.

"Mm~ It's good." Jimin said and put the glass done before he could have any more.

"It's the life since we have kids... Our power drinks." Jin said, slumping back onto the couch. "Oh, and also, Taehyung and Jeongguk are coming over tonight. They missed you."

"Really?!" Jimin exclaimed excitedly, and Jin nodded. He haven't seen his friends for a long time now, and he felt excited to see the couple.

"Can't wait!" They enjoyed their time together, talking difficult times until Jin's phone dinged.

"Fuck, the demons are coming!" Jin yelled out and gulped his drink down, and Y/n did the same. Jimin laughed at both and wanted to do the same, but he decided against it.

"I'll put this all away!" Jin grabbed the glasses and the wine bottles and hid them in a drawer that no one ever notices.

The door opened, revealing the gang with bags and the kids with toys. They ran to their designated mothers showing what they bought. The river lapping chatter invaded the living room.

"I'll make dinner since I don't trust anyone of you in the kitchen!" They laughed as Jin imaginary flipped his hair and walked into the kitchen.

"Why don't you guys play outside, Uncle Joon have a big backyard." The kids nodded and played outside except for Jiyoon since he felt tired all of a sudden.

"Big brudder n-no c-c-come?" Taeji questioned as he hold his arm.

"Big brudder is tired... We'll play later." Jiyoon explained. Taeji nodded and hugged his brother and ran back to the backyard where the fun is. Jiyoon walked towards his mother and hugged his legs. Jimin softly smiled and patted his baby's hair.

"Hey, Jimin... We gotta talk." Jimin looked up at his brother and nodded. He picked up Jiyoon and followed him where his brother's office is.

"Making it short... DiamondTech scheduled a funeral in a few days and one of the CEO's wanted to talk to you." Namjoon said.

"Talk to me about what?" Jimin asked.

"In my opinion... They're probably going to make you the head CEO of DiamondTech."

"Taemin's position..."

"Mhm. You were his former mate after all, and he didn't have any siblings to take over, and besides from what I heard is that Taemin signed everything to you."

Jimin's eyes widen, "E-Everything?"

"Yes, everything, money, name, company, all of DiamondTech headquarters, out of states ones too, and etc."

"Omg... Hold Jiyoon, please..." Jimin said. Namjoon looked at him confusedly, but none of the less took the little pup from Jimin's arms.

Jimin sat on one of the couches feeling lightheaded from all the information.

"All of his is mine..." Jimin mumbled. He heard Jiyoon whine and made grabby hands towards his mother. Namjoon let him down, and Jiyoon waddled towards his mother, climbing up on the couch and hugged him since he senses his mother.

"I'll leave you, baby brother." Namjoon walked off, closing the door.

It was total silence filled the room, but Jimin's lavender scent was filled around the room. Jiyoon sighed in content, sniffing his mother's scent.

Then the door opened, revealing Yoongi. He had an embarrassment written all over his face.

"A-Ah sorry... Namjoon told me to get something from his office. Um... I should leave, sorry..." Just when he was about to close the door, Jimin called him.

"Yoongi... Please stay..." Yoongi was hesitant, but went in slowly, slowly inhaling the omega's scent. Jimin patted the couch next to him, and Yoongi sat beside him.

"You alright?" Yoongi asked, concerned.

"Taemin signed everything to me... Did you know about this?"

Yoongi sighed, "Yes... I was against it because you probably don't know anything about business, but I stayed shut. I kinda understand when there's no one can rule the company, and he wouldn't have any stranger took over, not even me."

"Ugh... Too much pressure..." Jimin whined and leaned on Yoongi's shoulder, but pulled his head up in embarrassment. "Ah, sorry about that..."

Yoongi chuckled and pulled Jimin's head back to his shoulder, "It's fine, Jimin. Just clear your head."

Jimin hummed and let his head rest while holding his son close to his chest, hearing the soft snores coming from the pup.

"I know this is sudden... When you're going to tell him, " Yoongi gestured to Jiyoon, "That I'm his father..."


Did I post 39 this morning?


Anywhore, I'm annoyed. Read the WHOLE book.


I'm very annoyed today

Y'all lucky I wrote this in a good mood

I have another omegaverse book in the waiting/works hehe

Some of y'all probably figure out I love them angst shit

I've been having gay dreams for 2 days with a particular girl and I'm whole sad

Y'all have books on your own?

I wanna read

Yoonmin shit will come, pls be patient

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